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Growing up you’re constantly told life is short. It’s precious and fragile. I nodded and made note; I used it as an excuse to do stupid things. Excuse reckless mistakes. Rush through life. Arabella was the only thing I truly stopped to savour.

We were never meant to be. I went against everything and everyone for her. My grandmother, my friend…

My friend. Brother.

“He’s gone,” Freddie says morosely, leaning on the doorway. “I tried their phones, but there’s nothing. He knows better.”


I ask him even though she’s sworn to my face she knows nothing.

“She doesn’t know anything.” He steps into the room, shuddering as he looks around. It’s dark and cold. “Cassie and your mum might if Fleur has said anything to them. But I’ve checked their phones for any random calls, and there’s nothing. It’s been four hours since they left. They’re probably still figuring shit out.”

“I don’t get why he would run with her. Unless…”

“Unless she knew?” Leo stands in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. “Maybe that’s the reason he’s disappeared with her.”

“You think she knew?” He’s changed his tune.

“No, Christopher, I think he knew we’d jump down her throat and he’s protecting her. Nothing we wouldn’t have done in his shoes.” Sitting on the sofa by windows, he relaxes as Cassie comes into the room with a tray of drinks and a couple of paper bags slipped under her arm.

“Still,” Freddie grumbles, taking a large steaming cup labelled with his name. “Strange that he would do a runner before he even knew his sister was okay.”

I grasp Arabella’s hand tighter, as I bring her into my side. With all the blood gone, she looks perfectly herself with the exception of the raw bruising around her neck and under one of her eyes.

It took a lot longer than normal to bring her back. At one point I thought they would give up, but the minute they got her here, the hospital staff were on her like a kid at Christmas.

The sedation drugs they used to take her are what complicated things. They couldn’t give her anything until they were sure her system was clear, and quite rightly so.

“Arabella’s fine.” Cassie sits beside Leo, handing him one of the paper bags. “There’s croissants for both of you in that one.” She points to the bag she left on the over-bed table. “Besides, they can’t be gone too far, not in her condition.”

Settling back into the pillow, I thank the fucking Universe for not taking Arabella from me. The warmth of her body mingles with mine. It would be peaceful if I wasn’t still fretting over what happened to her. Why she was practically naked.

The girl that was with her hasn’t said a single word to anyone. She won’t let anyone except for the female doctors and nurses go near her.

“On a different note, they can’t find Charles anywhere. Harry and Benedict have put out a statement announcing his resignation from Cabinet and all other duties,” Leo says, flicking through the financial pages of one of the newspapers stacked on the coffee table.

“He’ll come out of hiding soon enough.” Freddie chuckles. “All accounts attached to his name are frozen. He’s pretty fucked.”

Exhaustion pulls me deeper into Arabella’s warmth. I keep blinking myself awake, but it’s getting harder and harder not to succumb to my fatigue.

“Listen,” Cassie murmurs. I didn’t even notice her come closer. “We’re going to head home. Mum and Dad want to drop by in a while, and everyone else will want to come visit, so…yeah, get some rest. Okay?”

“If you need anything, let us know,” Leo adds, already standing by the door. “And we’ve got shit covered, so focus on you and Bella. Make sure she’s okay.”

There’s guilt in the way he glances at her sedated form beside me.

“If you hear anything from Casper or Fleur…”

“What did I just tell you?” Leo asks as he takes Cassie’s handbag, flinging it over his shoulder while holding her hand at his side.

“You got this.”

“Remember that, yeah?”

I nod, smiling at Cassie when she blows me a kiss. Freddie starts to follow, but before he leaves, he pauses, assessing Arabella.

A pinched look tightens his face.
