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My whole body is so tense that it feels like I’m about break under my anxiety. I’ve been so careful. I have no idea how Tomasz found Georgina’s place, but it’s freaking me out.

His note was a few lines of vague instructions. What to wear and where to go.

Shitting myself doesn’t cut how I’m feeling.

Picking up my clutch, I stand, shakily. These shoes weren’t exactly designed for stealth mode. Unless you’re one of those super-agile spies in a James Bond movie or something. They always seem to be able to work everything to their advantage. Right now, I feel like I’m leveraging on a disadvantage.

Okay. I take a deep breath to steady myself as I add a darker red lipstick on top of the vibrant one I already have on. You got this. It’ll be fine.

I’m barefaced lying to myself, but it’s too late to turn back. If he’s found Georgina, he must suspect something. Men like Tomasz don’t chase something unless they need to.


Taking the carpeted steps slowly, I pause in the shadow as a loud crash comes from the kitchen followed by Georgina’s bloodcurdling scream.

I have to give it to her; her acting isn’t far off her dancing.

Freddie rushes from the lounge, his long limbs a blur as he disappears into the kitchen.

Not waiting to hear what exactly happens when he finds my sister and her purposeful clumsiness, I dash for the door.

My hand grabs and twists on the doorknob, and as I yank it open, my body jars to stop. My shoulder pops with pain radiating all the way through my shoulder blades up to my neck.


Even though I already know that the door is locked, I give it another firm twist and pull.

“Going somewhere?” Freddie laughs from behind me. “Did you think I’d be that fucking gullible?”

“Open the door.” I don’t bother looking at him. My heart is racing so fast that it’s choking me.

“Get in the fucking lounge before I do something we’ll both regret, Arabella. I don’t have time for games.”

“I thought games were your specialty?” Turning to face him, my eyes find Georgina’s.

I’m sorry. She mouths her apology from the doorway of the lounge behind Freddie.

It’s not her fault; I should’ve known that he would’ve seen through our plan. That’s the thing about monsters—they see you even when you think you’re hidden away.

“You know—” Freddie takes a step closer to me. “—if you were my wife, I’d have you leashed and locked away.”

His hand closes around the top of my arm as he yanks me closer to him before pushing me towards the lounge.

“Freddie, you have no idea what will happen if I don’t go.” Locking my gaze with his, I try to convey the urgency coursing through me. “Tomasz knows where I am.”


His phone is out, and he’s furiously typing away.

“What’s going on?” Georgina asks from beside me. “Don’t bullshit me because right now that kidney is fast becoming your head, Arabella.”

Ignoring her, I take a step closer to Freddie. “Why do you care about what happens to me? You don’t even like me right now. Wouldn’t it be easier if you let me go to him, and then Christopher can move on?”

“Shut up. Walk away.” Spinning me, he guides me into the lounge with his hand on my nape. Despite his demeanour, he’s gentle. “You’re going to break him beyond repair with your game, and when that happens…God help us all.”

I shrug him off, standing in the middle of the room. Heart racing maniacally. Chest burning with my guilty breaths as he stares me out.

It’s obvious he’s trying to work me out or what I’m doing. Pulling the wool over his eyes is impossible. Besides, he knows me. He knows everything I’ve ever done for Christopher.
