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Twisting to look at me in horror, Georgina gasps.

“What the fuck are you even doing here?” I snap at her.

“If you had been listening, you would know,” Casper growls to a low whistle from Freddie.

“I’m listening.” Facing him again, I position myself so I can’t see the bedroom door, hoping it’s enough to boost my attention on him.

“I’ve spoken to Murphy. He agrees, you can’t go around like there isn’t a target on your head.” This conversation sounds familiar. “We need to be smart about this because Leo’s right, that guy was an inside job.”

“I can’t find him on any database,” Freddie adds with sombre seriousness. Finally. “Foreign or domestic.”

“So, until we know what we’re dealing with, we’re going to have to band tighter. Leo and Cassie are on their way. They’re taking my car. You and Bella take Freddie’s. You two—” He looks between Freddie and Georgina. “—you’re going with Murphy.”

“Us two?” she asks with a dramatic laugh. “Firstly, I’m not going anywhere with him. Secondly, where do you think you’re sending me exactly?”

“What about you?” Freddie snaps at him.

“Did you hear me?” Georgina inches forward with he

r hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

But without any acknowledgement, Casper carries on. “I’m taking Leo’s. They’re picking Fleur up.”

“Why’s she coming?” I don’t understand why we need to bring her along. She might be as good as family, but we have enough to worry about without adding her to it. “I’m sure the Foreign Secretary can protect his own daughter.”

There’s a moment of silence. I’m not sure whether he’s avoiding my question or whether he’s pissed that I’ve asked it. But we have enough shit to go through without having an entire entourage to ensure is safe.

“Leo,” he finally replies, but it sounds off. “Well, more what he said about their conversation at the hospital. Besides, she and Cassie can do their thing. Bella and George can do theirs. That’s everyone catered for whilst we’re figuring shit out. No one to worry about down here.”

His longwinded reply doesn’t sell me on his reasoning. But it’s not worth pushing.

“We need to look like we’re backing away. We’re doing what they told us to do—nothing. Staying clean.”

It’s clear Leo filled them in on our conversation earlier. Or maybe he was filling me in on their conversations.

“We can call it the bachelor party you never had…a bit of hunting, shooting, and snow. Who doesn’t love some snow?”

Casper pats him on the back with a smirk. “See? He talks sense. But seriously, we need to make a move. The darker it is, the better; the roads are quieter, and it makes it easier to spot any problems.”

“What’s going on?” Taking a step closer to Casper, Georgina stands taller.

“Need-to-know basis.” Freddie shrugs.

Slapping her hand on his mouth, she glares at him. “I wasn’t talking to you, Psycho.”

Oh shit.

In a fraction of a second, his hand closes around her ponytail, yanking her back.

“Freddie,” Casper grits, hands balled tightly at his sides. “Let go.”


“Next time you stick your hand in my face, I’ll break every motherfucking bone in it. You ever call me crybaby again, I’ll rip out your tongue. Got it, Swan?”

“I said let go of her!” Casper squeezes his hand off the bunched hair even as Freddie keeps staring Georgina down. His jaw is so tight that the grind of his teeth is audible.

Fucking hell.
