Page 10 of A Man for Mia

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"Thanks," Mia murmured, still guilty for turning down her friend’s offer.

But Piper wasn’t about to let her worry about it. Wiggling her eyebrows, she followed with a wink. "And with that, I’m going to hit the shower and get ready for tonight. If you want, I’ll make a toast with my crew for you."

Mia grinned. "Sure."

"You’re doing great." Piper unconsciously reached for Mia, but realized what she was doing at the last moment and dropped her hand. Rolling her eyes at her own thoughtlessness, she grinned and headed toward the steps to enter the house.

Mia lingered outside, hugging the watering pot to her chest as she watched her friend go. She shook her head and let out a small sigh.

Two steps forward and one step back.

She glanced down the street both ways, hoping Drew Harper just might reappear. She owed him a big thank you for making her pulse race and her adrenal glands surge. It’d been way too long.

When she actually saw a car turn onto her quiet street and start her way, she sucked in a breath. It slowed as it neared her drive. Clutching the watering pot in a death grip, Mia strained to see who operated the vehicle. The driver pulled to the curb, cut the engine, and swung the door open.

When a middle-aged woman exited, Mia’s shoulders gave, and she started to turn away. But the woman in the tan power suit moved so determinedly toward the For Sale notice next door, Mia found herself watching curiously. Something tucked under the stranger’s arm caught Mia’s attention until she realized it was a "sold" sign.

The woman pulled it from her armpit and set it snugly on top of the for sale sign.

For a moment, Mia couldn’t breathe.

He’d bought the house? Already?

Wait. There was no way he could’ve bought the house so soon. She’d only spoken to him a few minutes ago. There’d been no time. And besides, he hadn’t even looked at the inside.

Disappointment surged through her. He wasn’t going to be her new neighbor.

As if she felt eyes on her, the real estate agent glanced Mia’s way and sent her a small nod of greeting.

Mia swallowed, suddenly ill. "It’s sold?" she lifted her voice, asking the obvious.

"Sure is." The saleswoman strolled toward her. "And to the cutest family you’ve ever seen. Mom, dad and two perfect children. First time buyers."

Looking down at her hands, Mia murmured, "There was a man here a few minutes ago, checking out the yard. He … he said he was thinking about buying this place."

"Well, I have half a dozen others for sale just like this one if he’s interested." The woman whipped a pamphlet from her pocket. Her eyes glowed intently, ready to make another sale.

"Actually, it was more the neighborhood than the house itself he liked," Mia explained.

"Oh, sure, sure," the saleswoman said. "I understand that. And I have other places for sale at addresses just like this block." She reached into her pockets again, but came up with nothing. Biting her lip, she frowned and lifted a finger toward Mia, silently commanding her to hold on a second. "Let me jot down a few of them and if he stops by again, you can give him the list. Okay?"

"Uh … " Mia realized she didn’t have much choice in the matter as the agent scribbled madly on the back of her first pamphlet. "Okay," she murmured. "If he comes back."

But even as she said the words, her fingers contracted around the business card still tucked in her hand. It’d grown damp from her sweaty grip, but she continued to hold it, wondering why wait until he did or didn’t come back?

What if she took the addresses to him?

Chapter Three

When Mia saw the house, she almost wrecked. It was spectacular. Pressing on the brake before she ran into a ditch, she peered out the front windshield.

Her lips parted in awe. "Wow."

At first, she couldn’t believe Drew Harper actually lived here. But she double checked the dog-eared business card and, yes, all the numbers corresponded. Besides, it was impossible to ignore the Harper Studio sign in the front yard that matched the logo on his card.

Located on the outer edge of town, the two-story farmhouse sat, surrounded by pastureland on both sides. A herd of cattle grazed lazily, lifting their heads to stare at her as she pulled into the drive. A small grove of fruit trees made up his back yard and someone had planted sunflowers in the field across the street. In full bloom, their beaming yellow and brown faces brightened the already sunny blue day.

As a whole, the place enticed her.
