Page 19 of A Man for Mia

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Mia nodded. "I went over to his house."

"Oh, Mia," Piper breathed out in awe. "That’s so wonderful. What happened?"

Mia winced. "I totally bombed it." And so had he.

Face falling, Piper’s features filled with sympathy. "Oh, honey, I’m sorry. You were so hopeful too."

Nodding again, Mia murmured, "There will be other guys." Even as she spoke the words, though, she worried no other guy would ever provide her excitement and comfort, all in one pleasant package, the way Drew had.

Piper grinned. "That’s the spirit. And whenever you’re ready, I’ve got a couple dozen to introduce to you."

Mia chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Not yet," she muttered.

"This guy I’m seeing now, for example," Piper continued. "He’s got a bunch of hunky, successful, single friends. I’m sure any one of them would jump at the chance to take you out."

Though Mia was dying to ask about this "guy" Piper was seeing, she kept her mouth shut and merely gave the woman a brief smile. All the while, her mind raced.

Was her best friend dating a married man?

Mia couldn’t picture it. But then again, Piper was being surprising closed-mouth about her newest beau. In fact, this was the first time she’d actually volunteered information. After Piper had received the roses, Mia had asked, but Piper merely shrugged it off.

"Oh, he’s just this guy I’ve been out with a few times." And then she’d casually changed the subject, asking Mia about her job.

Mia hadn’t thought anything of it at the time, even though Piper was always so eager to share information about the men in her life. But now … now, everything was different.

"He knows so many people," Piper was still chatting about her mystery man, making Mia’s shoulders loosen with relief.

Her friend certainly wasn’t acting like she was hiding anything now.

"Last weekend, he took me to this fancy restaurant that’s, like, three hours away, and all the waitresses and servers there knew him by name. Isn’t that amazing?"

Mia was more amazed by the fact he had to drive so far away to take her to eat. Why couldn’t he find someplace close? Did he not want to be seen by someone he knew … like his wife?

"So … " she couldn’t help but ask. "How’d you two meet?"

Piper grinned and flushed like a teenager with her first crush. "He came to the salon, and I cut his hair."

Mia nodded mutely.

"I guess his usual stylist is Darla. But she was out that day, and he had some big meeting, so he popped in for a quickie trim," she winked, "and got me instead."

Mia swallowed, suddenly ill.

"And, oh my God, Mi Mi. Jay has, like, the softest hair ever. I fell in love with his golden locks after the first snip."

"Jay?" Mia echoed. Short for Jeffrey, perhaps?

Piper cleared her throat and glanced away. "That’s my nickname for him."

Nodding pleasantly, Mia ignored the ball of anxiety forming in her stomach. "He sounds … " married.

"Oh, he is," Piper gushed, coming back around with a beam of excitement. "He’s absolutely wonderful. He might be a little older but that just means he’s settled and responsible and successful. He’s not like the immature, inconsiderate losers I’ve dated before."

Not sure how to respond, Mia could only watch the glow on her friend’s face as Piper detailed his many positive attributes. "Jay" supposedly owned a sleek Charger, wore three-piece suits to work and liked Starbucks.

"I think he might be the one," Piper finished on a blissful sigh.

Mia winced; thank goodness her friend didn’t notice.
