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“Mmph. What?” I cracked open bleary eyes to find a face full of dark hair.


Jesus, I’d forgotten about her, which was fairly awful since I think I was still inside her.

Oh damn, here came more regret. I’d just slept with Melody. Melody Fairfield. I’d never even liked Melody, which made the need to get my cock out of her even more urgent.

Fumbling until I found her shoulders, I gripped her gently trying to get her attention or pry her off me or something. “I need to…”

“Hmm?” She lifted her face to smile blissfully at me. “What’s wrong, baby?”

Oh, God, she was calling me baby. I was two point five seconds from upchucking all over her. “Bathroom,” was all I could mumble.

“Oh.” I must’ve looked green enough to get my point across because her eyes flew open wide. She sat up and shimmied off me so I could roll over onto my stomach and crawl to the edge of the bed. I hit the floor on both feet but by the time I made it to the bathroom, I was on my hands and knees crawling. I slumped to the toilet and pushed up the lid with just enough time to hang my head miserably and puke.

My stomach seized and lungs burned by the time I was finished. At some point, Melody must’ve come to the doorway to check on me because I heard an, “Eww, gross,” before her shadow disappeared again.

Limp and drained with the room spinning around me, I rested my cheek on the porcelain rim until I felt enough energy to claw my way up the side of the sink and turn the water on. After splashing two handfuls onto my face, I cupped more in my palms and drank what I could capture. After that, I groaned pathetically and propped my forehead against the mirrored cabinet above the sink before opening the door and checking for painkillers inside.

I found two Tylenol capsules and swallowed them dry. Then I turned to escape the bathroom because it smelled like bile in here, but my pants sagged around my knees tripping me up. I grasped the doorway just in time to keep from tumbling face first to the floor.

Glancing down, I found I was still wearing a condom. Classy.

Well, at least I’d been safe. Thank God. Though that was the only relief I felt, because I still couldn’t believe I’d just been with Melody. Melody of all people. Fake and conniving, she usually inspired me to become scarce whenever she’d hung out with Jana. I’d have to be pretty damn drunk to ever have sex with her.

Then again, I think I was pretty damn drunk.

The bedroom slanted sideways when I peered into it. A foggy version of Melody rose from the bed and came toward me.

“Beckett, baby. You feeling better yet?”

Again with the baby. I winced, hoping she didn’t touch me, because that might induce more nausea. “I still have my condom on,” I stated the obvious. I have no idea why I said that. It sounded dumb as soon at the words slurred their way from my lips. But I don’t think I could even begin to recover from the trauma of fucking her until I got the foul thing off me, so it’s presence still on me really, really bothered me.

“Want me to take care of it?” She began to reach forward.

Oh, hell, no.

I managed to lift my hand, politely warding her off. But the mere idea of her skin making any more contact with my skin made my stomach revolt. “Nah. I got it. Thanks.”

She nodded and stepped back. When she spotted her panties on the floor, she bent down to pick them up, affording me with a view of her bare ass as she did so.

She had a nice ass. She had a nice everything really—appearance wise. But my stomach heaved again, realizing what I’d just done. Who I’d just done.

This was bad. This was so fucking bad. How was I going to get past this? What if she wanted to, like, date me now? I couldn’t even contemplate the idea of dating Melody Fairfield, and yet I couldn’t have sex with a girl and then avoid her for the rest of my life, which is more what I really wanted to do. Except avoiding someone I’d had sex with wasn’t in my DNA. I couldn’t just hit it and quit it. To me, that was jerkish. And I wasn’t a jerk…typically. But I think I was going to become one after this, which made the good boy in me whine at the whole ugliness of my situation.

I was so fucking fucked right now. Why had I let her do what she’d done?

Melody stepped into her panties and began to draw them up her legs, so I reached down to ease off my condom. Just as I got it fully removed, a knock sounded on the door and it began to open.

“Mel?” a voice asked, just as some dude I’d never met before poked his head inside. “You in here?”

I froze, condom in hand. And Melody lifted her face, her panties halfway up her legs.

The guy blinked. “Melody?”

A beat passed as he stepped fully into the room, took me in from head to toe, pausing at my exposed dick, then shut the door at his back with a thunk. “What the fuck?

She burst into tears and raced to him, flinging herself into his arms. “Radley,” she sobbed, burying her face in his chest as her arms wound around his neck. “Oh, thank God. Thank God! I need you. It was horrible. So horrible.”
