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Fear entered Yasmin’s eyes as she stumbled away from him. “You wouldn’t,” she said. “You can’t.” Her gaze darted my way. “Vienne!”

I only shook my head. I was done trying to save and protect her. “Sorry, Sister. You fucked with Anniston. You crossed the line.”

Urban wound his arm back to slay her. She squeaked out her desperation and pointed at his sword again, this time flicking her fingers until they spread out wide, instead of balling them into a fist.

Instantly, his sword turned a bright, glowing orange. With a hiss of pain, Urban cursed and dropped it so he could clutch his hand where the hot metal had burned his palm. As it clattered to the floor, smoke curled up from where it instantly cooled again.

“Indestructible, maybe,” Yasmin concluded, grinning broadly. “But its temperature can still be altered.”

Urban smirked at her as he shook off his hand wound. “I don’t need a sword to kill you with my bare hands.”

Yasmin smirked back. “Oh? Did you get a ward to make yourself indestructible to magic, then, too?” Lifting her hand, she curled her fingers into a fist and stared him in the eyes.

He took one more step, only to pause and clutch his throat. A moment later, he dropped to his knees, gasping for breath as invisible bands choked him.

Yasmin threw back her head and laughed. “Bye, bye, pretty prince.”

Oh God. She was killing him.

“Urban!” I screamed.

Chapter 41


I hurried forward to check on Urban, but Yasmin tsked and pointed at me, freezing me into place.

“Oh, no,” she said. “We can’t have you bringing him back to life again. That’s becoming all too tiresome from you two.”

Meanwhile, Allera knelt before her brother so she could cup his face in her hands. “Breathe, Urban, breathe.”

Behind her, Brentley drew his sword. “Yasmin, stop this. Let Vienne and Urban go, now!”

“Or what? You’ll stop me?” Rolling her eyes, Yasmin pointed at him and snapped her fingers. A crack of splintering cartilage followed. Then Brentley’s head tipped drunkenly to the side, his neck broken, before he collapsed to the floor, dead.

Allera gasped, abandoning her choking brother to leap to her husband and try to catch him as he fell, gentling his landing.

“No!” she sobbed. “No, no, no. Brentley...”

Yasmin pointed at her next, immobilizing her in place, just as she had me, making Allera’s body freeze in an awkward position, hunched over Brentley. If she’d been left in the same state I was in, then she could still see and hear and smell and use all her senses, but she couldn’t move a single muscle.

“I’ll deal with you in a moment,” Yasmin promised the motionless Allera before she turned her attention to the last untouched person in the room.

Nicolette’s eyes widened. She let out a gasp of alarm before turning tail and racing from the dining hall.

Yasmin laughed and let her go. “And here, I always thought she’d step up and fight for the ones she loved. What a disappointment.” She clucked her tongue. “Oh, well. It’ll amuse me to know she’ll live the rest of her life with nothing but her guilt and shame for abandoning you all as she mourns your deaths.”

On his knees, Urban’s choking grew louder. His face turned blue and his eyes began to redden and bulge.

“Oh, for God’s sake, die already.” Yasmin snapped her finger and broke his neck the same way she’d done Brentley’s.

As he tumbled face-first to the floor, I screamed inside my head, the sound unable to break free of my mouth as agony bloomed in my chest.

But, no. This couldn’t be happening. My sister couldn’t win.

“Now,” Yasmin murmured pleasantly as she clasped her hands together and turned to me. “Finally. It’s just us girls left to talk. Sisters to the end.” Her expression morphed into a glare. “Until you decided to let your precious little lover boy kill me just now. What the hell was that about, Vienne?”

Though I couldn’t move a muscle, I swear I still managed to narrow my eyes at her.
