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“There they are!” Nicolette called excitedly, jumping from her chair and racing around the table.

Pulled back to the present, I grinned at her enthusiasm, glad neither of her brothers had ever tried to temper her spirit. I’m sure to them, it had more to do with sympathy over the fact she’d lost enough when both her parents had died two years before, but nonetheless, it was refreshing to see a female simply get to be her true self and not conformed into something her society deemed appropriate. It made me wonder if I would’ve ended up anything like her if I’d never had to attend that dreadful school.

Probably not, though. Even as a girl, I’d been quiet and reserved. But still, I couldn’t help but think it would’ve been nice if I hadn’t been forced into the life I led, that I could’ve been allowed to choose it willingly. To be able to choose anything for myself.

Turning my attention to the newcomers, I smiled at Brentley. He couldn’t seem to stop puffing his chest with pride and grinning as he escorted the lovely Princess Allera into the room on his arm. It was obvious he was pleased with her. I desperately hoped she didn’t turn out to be callous and cold. A tender soul like him deserved a warm, affectionate partner.

I liked Brentley and had always thought I would’ve been completely content to be his wife if the tide had turned that way. But if he was going to be forced into his own arranged marriage, then I wanted someone for him who could make him happy.

When I noticed that Princess Allera had changed from her emerald gown into something yellow with purple accessories, I sent a sidelong glance toward Yasmin, wondering how many replicas of this outfit she’d order. It looked quite striking on the princess of High Cliff.

Yasmin’s mouth pinched with annoyance as she gave the princess a haughty once-over. She definitely felt competitive. And oh dear, it was never good when Yasmin felt competitive.

The pulse in my neck thumped rapidly with worry. Sometimes it took everything I had to contain Yasmin before she did something awful and impulsive. I may just have my hands full with this situation.

“Prince Urban,” Nicolette called, hurrying to him as he entered last. “Would you care to sit next to me? I’ve much I’d be delighted to discuss with you throughout the meal.”

The prince had been following his sister like a guard, but paused to bow before Nicolette when she addressed him. “I would be honored, Princess.” He cast her a grin and then a wink before he held out his elbow for her to take his arm. “And maybe you can help me keep my deplorable table etiquette under control in the process.”

His request caused me to smile. After marrying Soren, I’d come to truly appreciate a man who could pick fun at himself. It was a talent my husband did not have but probably should.

Nicolette laughed and answered, “Of course. I’d be delighted.”

Despite his apparent affability toward the teen, something very alert—almost dangerous—hovered in the air around the prince. The way his fingers tapped restlessly against the hilt of his sword and his gaze swept the room, raking in every detail as if he were cataloging it all away as important information, screamed soldier. I focused on his sword to find it gleaming as if it were taken good care of but quite worn and nicked. His blade has seen action. I wondered how many battles he’d fought, enemies he’d killed. Probably quite a few.

He was exactly the kind of protective resource we needed in Donnelly. If only we could ensure his loyalty somehow.

As he escorted Nicolette past me where I sat at one table, I noticed Yasmin had been right. There was indeed a small white scar at the corner of his lip. Agreeing with Nicolette, however, I decided it made him look rather dashing and rugged.

My gaze shifted up toward the tattoo.

I’d learned how he’d gotten it, but I had yet to learn what it actually meant.

Thankfully, my curiosity was soon appeased. Nicolette brought up the subject as soon as everyone was seated and the servants had brought out the first course.

“Prince Urban, could you tell me about your love mark?” she blurted, making all other conversation at the table fall quiet. “Please, I’m so curious.”

Chapter 5


In the Iron Castle, the dining hall’s royal table was shaped like a large L, as if fitting two tables together. The king sat at the head where the corner met, and the parties seated on either side of him angled out so they were nearly facing each other. Yasmin sat directly to Caulder’s right with me at her right and Soren at mine. To the king’s left sat Nicolette, and next to her was where Brentley usually seated himself. Except tonight, Prince Urban sat there instead, nearly directly across from me. Next to him was his sister, and then Brentley had moved himself next to Princess Allera at the end.

At Nicolette’s question, the prince of High Cliff looked at her, sending her a confused smile as if amused but puzzled by her query. “My…what mark?” he asked, shaking his head to let her know he didn’t understand.

“Yes. This thing right here.” She swept her hand close to his eye where everyone could clearly see the black tattoo of a heart inside a circle.

The prince chuckled, the sound pleasant and rich. “What did you call it again? A love mark? I’ve never heard it called such before.” He glanced to his sister, and the siblings shared a grin, as if vastly amused by the term.

Nicolette frowned slightly. “But isn’t that what it is? If you get it, you can tell who your one true love is at first sight. Right?”

My eyebrows winged up at this revelation. I had no idea it was possible to know such a thing by getting a simple tattoo. Curious, I watched Prince Urban turn back to Nicolette with an accommodating nod.

“Yes, that is indeed the intended purpose of our marks.”

“Then it is a love mark,” she insisted with a delighted smile.

The prince shook his head but kept grinning back. “We’ve never called it a love mark at home. I’ve only ever heard it referred to as simply the mark.”
