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She shot him a dirty look as she passed. “How disturbing,” she sneered, frowning back. Then she turned her attention to me, and tears sprang to her eyes as a wide smile overtook her face. “Vienne. My God. You gave us a fright, dear. Are you okay?”

“Of course,” I said, extending one hand to her and inviting her to sit next to me on the bed. “It doesn’t even feel as if I gave birth ten days ago. Which reminds me, have you seen her yet? My little Anniston.”

“No, no, I haven’t.” Allera drew in a breath and peered closer when I turned the baby to show her off. “Well, my goodness. She’s perfect.”

“She really is,” I agreed. “Every single finger and toe is absolutely precious. And look at these chubby little cheeks. Don’t you just want to squeeze them?”

“I do! May I hold her?” Allera asked, making my heart glow with the request.

“No,” Soren answered, taking a step our way.

But I ignored him, grinning at my friend. “Of course.” As I handed her over, I caught sight of my husband grinding to a halt and gaping incredulously at me.

“Goodness, she’s so small,” Allera murmured, laughing as she swayed the baby back and forth in her arms. “I know they said she was born big, but…”

“I know,” I murmured, grinning at Anniston’s round little face as she peered up at Allera and studied her for the first time. I squeezed the princess’s arm. “I think she likes you.”

“Of course she does. I’m the ultimate aunt.” When Soren hissed out a degrading snicker, Allera shot him a death glare, only to turn back to me and add, “To my brother Erick’s children.” Then she cleared her throat and returned her attention to Anniston, her eyes sadder this time, letting me know exactly who she was thinking of now. “Is she a good baby?”

“She is,” I answered, reaching for the child, unable to help myself. When Allera handed her back, I realized I hadn’t even asked if she was ready to give Anniston up yet. “I’m sorry,” I gushed in the middle of retrieving her. “I don’t even know why I’m taking her back. I just—”

“It’s quite alright,” Allera assured me on a laugh. “I’m sure it’s entirely a new-mother thing. One I hope to experience myself someday.” When she glanced toward Brentley with a seeking glance, I followed her gaze.

Suddenly, it struck me. “I missed your wedding!”

Allera turned back, blinking. “No,” she said slowly. “You didn’t. We haven’t wed yet. The king postponed the nuptials. Brentley and I will say our vows in four days’ time.”

I glanced between the princess and prince, noticing the solemn gazes that transpired. Realizing I’d missed out on somet

hing important, I frowned slightly. “Caulder postponed the wedding?” When no one answered, and Allera lowered her gaze, I guessed, “Because of me?”

“Oh, no.” My friend was quick to reassure. She looked up and smiled, though she looked even sadder than before as she reached for my hand. “Don’t fret. It wasn’t because of you at all.”

I wrinkled my brow and studied her face. Allera had changed since I last saw her. Something seethed beneath her surface, something angry and vengeful yet maudlin and unhappy. It only confirmed my suspicions that I’d missed out on something major that had happened in the castle.

“Because of your brother, then?” I asked boldly.

Soren surged forward, blustering, “That man is not to be discussed between the two of you women.”

“Or what?” Allera snapped back, “You’ll give him another twenty-six lashes on the back?”

“Lashes?” I repeated, zipping my gaze to Soren.

His face turned a hot, angry red as he pointed at the princess. “I said not to mention—”

“You flogged him?” I cut in, my mouth dropping open. “You told me he hadn’t been punished for helping me.”

He turned an incredulous glance my way.

“He wasn’t punished for helping you. He was punished for lying to the king about his affiliation to you. Because he touched what was mine! He claimed you were his one true love, and he still does. He doesn’t belong in this castle.”

“Hmm, too bad your king doesn’t agree,” Allera snipped with narrowed eyes.

Snarling, Soren strode toward her, his fury so prominent I feared he was actually going to hurt her. “And you don’t belong here, either.”

“Enough.” Suddenly, Brentley was between him and Allera, shoving at Soren’s chest and pushing him back. “Everyone knows your opinion on the matter. And quite frankly, your repetitious ranting grows tiresome.”

Soren snickered at his cousin. “Well, your fiancée grows tiresome to me. Shut her fucking mouth, or I will.”

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