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Except, for some reason, his worried inquiry relieved me. I rattled out a small laugh and shook my head. “That’s funny. I was going to ask you the very same question.” Because he looked distinctly intimidated by my presence. Maybe he’d heard the rumor that he’d lose his head too if we were ever discovered in a compromising position.

He didn’t share my smile. Slanting his head to the side, he seemed to give my words thought before he admitted, “I’ll be honest. I’m scared shitless right now.”

I gave another laugh. He was much more personable than I thought he’d be. That was unexpected. Pleasantly so. Some of my embarrassment dimmed. But then I sobered and said, “Because of my husband?”

He crinkled the features in his face with disgust, muttering, “What? No!” Then just as quickly he flashed a smile that had my heartbeat pumping faster. Pressing an impassioned hand to his chest, he said, “I’m sure this isn’t manly to admit, but I’m most afraid you won’t like me. It would quite wound my tender feelings to the core if you didn’t.”

I snorted out an incredulous laugh. “Your tender feelings, you say?”

He nodded heartily. “Yes. So tender. They’re like veal.”

Shaking my head and smiling over his joke, I set my hand on my hip and countered, “Well, what if you don’t like me?”

The man blinked. Once. Twice. Then he frowned as if confused by the question before saying, “That… That’s not even possible. It’s pretty much a given I’ll cherish everything about you.”

“Oh?” I asked. “Because of the mark?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

I sighed. “So, everything everyone’s been telling me is really true, then? All the one-true-love, love-mark, soul mate, bonding stuff, and you bringing me back from the dead? It really, honestly happened? I’m truthfully your—”

“You are,” he murmured with another decisive nod. Then he arched an eyebrow. “Is that why you were following me? You wished for proof of our bond?”

“I…” With no idea what to say since I hadn’t been planning on actually engaging with him, I just stared at him stupidly. “No. Of course not. I wasn’t even following you. We just accidentally ran into each…”

My lie trailed off when his lips quirked with a knowing grin, making the muscles coil tight in my stomach. He took a step closer, and my throat closed over with dread… Excitement? I wasn’t sure which emotion it was, but it froze me in place as he leaned in to murmur next to my ear.

“I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, my lady.” He shifted even closer until I could feel his breath on my cheek. “But the mark lets me know whenever you’re near.”

I shivered and jerked a step back, scowling at him for unsettling me so physically with his mere presence. I knew I should leave. This man could only cause me problems. I could only cause him problems. But the curiosity and fascination in me was too strong. I had to know more about him, about this connection he swore we had.

Suddenly, his words took root in my brain. “Wait. What do you mean, the mark lets you know when I’m near?”

What an alarming prospect. I wasn’t sure if I liked it.

“I feel you,” he said as he tapped the side of his eye directly over his tattoo while an engaging smile lit his face. “Right here. The closer you get, the more insistently it tingles.”

I blinked at him, trying to understand, needing to know why he’d targeted me for his silly mark-bonding claim. “Like… How?” I asked. “It gives you a headache?”

“No.” He looked thoughtful for a moment as if not sure how to describe it. Then he focused brilliant blue eyes on me. “There’s no pain. Not even close, so it’s definitely not a headache. It’s quite the opposite, I’d say. Like a head…rush, maybe.”

“You get dizzy?”

When he laughed, I felt like a fool. My cheeks heated with embarrassment and I took a step back, prepared to leave. But Prince Urban surged forward, lifting his hands. “No, no. I’m sorry. Don’t go. I’m not laughing at you, I swear. It’s just your curiosity and determination to understand…” When he shook his head, grinning broadly, I scowled.

“What about it?”

“It’s adorable,” he murmured. “And refreshing. I like that you want to know, that you want to understand.”

The yearning, seeking quality in his gaze told me he wanted something from me. Something I could never give.

Realizing I could only ever lead him on and offer him false hope if I continued to stand here, I started to turn away.

“I don’t get dizzy.”

He rushed the words as if he hoped they would waylay me. And his plan must’ve worked, because I paused, glancing back at him, unable to help myself.

“I’ll try to explain it the best I can,” he said, nodding as if encouraging me to stay and listen.
