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Finishing with a groan, I collapsed on top of her, and burrowed myself into her waiting arms.

She held me like I was a lost soul that had just found his way home.

“My lady,” I rasped, petting her hair, unable to stop touching her. “My Vienne. How I’ve waited for this. For you.”

“And I you,” she murmured, stroking me slowly in much the same manner I was her.

I lifted my face, surprised for some reason.

She smiled softly, tears of joy matted in her eyelashes. “I’ve always wanted to feel…close to another. But I never thought it would happen.” Pressing her palm gently to my cheek, she gazed adoringly at me. “I never thought you would happen.”

More pleased than I had been moments ago while I was pulsing and jetting inside her, I grinned and crushed my smile to hers.

For that moment, we were one. One true loves. Until the cry of an infant interrupted us, and the dream began to fade into wakefulness, where I came awake with a curse of denial on my lips as I lay alone in my own bed, staring up at a cold, stone ceiling.

Chapter 26


I woke, flushed and pulsing, my body nearly ready to explode from sexual release. The coiling, tingling pressure in my womb was so extreme I had a feeling all I’d need to do was press my fingers down between my legs, and a massive orgasm would just start rolling out of me. Even my breasts throbbed for release, when all they’d done recently was throb from pain, especially as full as they were now, ready to feed my baby.

The babe in question seemed equally ready for her milk, it seemed. She yowled insistently from her crib, demanding attention. Yet, I lay there one moment longer trying to settle the racing of my heart as an unquenchable ache vibrated through my extremities.

“I’m coming,” I finally croaked to Anniston before I rolled onto my stomach and groaned. “Just not in the way I’d like to be.” Feeling stiff and disjointed, I whimpered and crawled wearily to the edge of the mattress. When I found my feet, I swayed a moment, still mentally stuck in the dreamworld.

“God.” Pressing the palms of my hands into my eye sockets, I stumbled toward the sound of my baby and ran smack dab into the side of her crib. “Oomph.”

It was most definitely not the best way to wake. I reached in to pick up Anniston, only to get a handful of mucky brown substance when I slid them under her backside.

“Oh, yuck!” Lurching back, I gagged over the aroma of infant feces and made a mad dash to my water basin, where I rinsed off my hands and then bemoaned the fact that now I couldn’t splash any reviving clean water into my face to wake me up a bit more.

When I returned to the crib, I made sure to pick the baby up under her armpits. All her bedding had been smeared with the mess. I held my breath as I worked as quickly as possible to clean her. She screamed the entire time, her little face screwed up with red rage because she just wanted to be fed.

Once I had her rewrapped in something clean, I turned toward the bed where I planned to take her, but I jerked to a halt when I saw how wadded and wrinkled the covers were. I’d really thrashed and moved a lot in my sleep, which brought up in vivid detail exactly what I’d dreamed about.

And who.

Guilt immediately assaulted me. I spun away from the bed and all the delicious memories it wrought so I could carry Anniston to the rocking chair, but the memories just followed me. Fumbling, I sat in the chair and opened the top of my nightdress to get the baby to her milk, but as soon as she was appeased and busy suckling, my mind spun with nothing but the things Urban had done to me in that dream.

And the things I’d said to him.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it, couldn’t help but feel as if I’d been disloyal, which was crazy, because, one, it’d only been a dream, and, two, it wasn’t even the first sex dream I’d had about him. But still…today remained different.

I used to worry about how I’d face Urban after those dreams. Today, I worried how I would face Soren.

Anniston fell asleep at the nipple, which was fine with me. I appreciated a moment to myself. So when a maid entered when I was putting her back into her bed, I asked the girl if she could stay with the sleeping babe in order to let me escape for a bit of fresh air.

Only a hot cup of tea and the view from the East Salon could help me deal with this. So, once I was dressed for the day, I hurried out the door, thinking I’d probably only have an hour or so before Anniston woke again.

I was moving so fast I almost didn’t notice the sound I heard as I passed Soren’s suite. But that unmistakable grunting chant he made when he was getting close to release would probably haunt my nightmares forever, so when it filtered out from under his door, I jarred to a halt, gaping.

Bed springs squeaked above the grunting, then a feminine giggle floated out.

“Oh my God!” I gasped before slapping my hand over my mouth to hopefully muffle my shock.

My husband was having sex…with another woman.

At first, I felt relief; this would keep him from visiting me for a while longer, I hoped.
