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“Is it a severe injury, my lady?”

“I…” She sucked in a sharp intake, then continued. “No. No, I’m okay. I think. More startled than anything. I—that is—are you—you are Farrow, correct?”

Instead of replying, I silently slid a knife from the strap around my ankle, prepared to stab in case I’d been wrong and there was an ambush after all. Lowering my voice so only she could hear me, I countered, “Are you really Princess Nicolette? The king’s sister?”

“I am.” She shuffled as if trying to stand.

But I reached out my hand, halting her, my fingers encountering silken hair. “Stay,” I murmured, palming the crown of her head, where immediate warmth eased into my fingers.

Scanning the area around us, I saw nothing and sensed no one else about. Darkness had fallen completely in the last few minutes. So I turned my attention to her, fully aware she had no idea I held a knife at the ready, prepared to slice her throat if she had tricked me.

“What’re you doing out here?” I blurted.

“I’m fine, really. There’s…” She nudged my hand aside and pushed to her feet. “There’s no need to worry about me.” After blowing out a relieved breath, she made a swishing sound as if she were dusting off soiled skirts.

“I came out here because I sensed you, of course,” she finally answered, her voice sounding way too logical for the crazy claim she made.

Yes, she was definitely Nicolette, speaking with more of her weird, nonsensical—


Had she just told me she’d sensed me?

Something about that reminded me of Roloff. She made it sound as if destiny had drawn her out here against her will, just as he had. And she’d walked straight to me, no meandering or straying off path. She’d known exactly where I’d been hiding.

So, I asked, “Do you bear magic?”

A magical princess? Huh, I hadn’t considered that.

If she were some kind of soothsayer, she would know my purpose here. Did that mean I was meant to save Sable since Nicolette had come to me? Would my mission to Donnelly end with success?

Hope grew in my chest.

The princess laughed at my question, though. “Of course not. I try to avoid all things magical if I can help it. Why do you ask?”

Well, damn. “No reason.” Slipping my dagger back into its sheath before she realized I was holding it, I stepped closer.

She was just peculiar, then, I guess. Whatever. That didn’t matter. Either way, I should stop standing here, wondering over everything strange and abnormal about the situation and just take the girl before I lost my opportunity. I could wonder about all the whys and wherefores once Sable was safe and sound, out of the dungeon.

Grasping Princess Nicolette’s arm, more gently than I meant to, I said, “We need to go.”

Wait. Why had I just announced that aloud? How very poorly done of me. Now, she was going to fight and try to escape.

There went my chances of gaining my badge for exemplary kidnapping skills.

And speaking of kidnapping procedures, I honestly didn’t look forward to forcing her against her will or binding her arms and legs to get her to come with me, and I most certainly didn’t want to hurt her. But if she resisted, well…

I didn’t want to think about that possibility.

So, I was beyond thankful when the princess clutched me right back and said, “You’re right. We definitely need to be on the move. My things are just over here—somewhere—if you’re willing to help me carry them. Did you bring a horse for me, by chance?”

I pulled up short, shaking my head. “Wait. Horse? Things?” Not that I wasn’t grateful for her compliance, but, uh…

What the devil was she talking about?

Not only had she known I was out here, but now it sounded as if she was actually planning on returning to Far Shore with me.

I was freaking dreaming, wasn’t I? Because this couldn’t be right.
