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“Burr hole aspiration?” Mom guessed.

“Yeah. That. What…what is that?”

“Honey,” Dad said calmly. A little too calmly. “You need to call that boy’s family. Right now. They’re going to drill a hole in his head.”

“They’re what?!”



I might’ve passed out. Okay, I totally passed out.

When I came to, Cannon was smacking me across the cheek. It was probably a dream-come-true moment for him.

“Hey, sunshine,” he growled moodily. “Wake up.”

My eyes shot open. I was lying on the floor, still in the room where we’d been told what they were going to do to Wick, and his best friend was kneeling over me, scowling.

“They’re going to drill a hole in his head,” I uttered, my voice raspy, running too high and too fast.

“Yeah,” he muttered, grabbing my forearm and forcing me to sit up. “I’d already figured out as much.”

Hugging myself, I began to rock. “Did you call his family?”

He nodded. “They’re on their way now.”

“And the rest of his friends?”

“Been texting them all night, keeping them apprised. Come on,” he urged, waving his hand at me as he stood. “Get up. Let’s go see if the cafeteria’s open yet.”

I shook my head bleakly, even as I trailed him from the room. “I don’t think I could eat anything right now.”

“Well, I want to. So come sit with me while I eat.”

“Why?” I asked hollowly, following him anyway. “Why do you care what I do? You don’t even like me.”

“Wick does, though,” he grumbled, slowing his pace a little so I could keep up. “And he’d kick my ass if I let anything bad happen to you. Besides, you seem to like him back, so… There’s that.”

“I do,” I agreed. “I like him a lot.” A smile lit my face when I thought about everything I liked about Wick. When the feeling grew and swelled inside me until I realized what it was, I stopped abruptly in my tracks. “Oh my God.”

I could actually feel my face drain of color. When Cannon paused and glanced back, asking what was wrong, I looked up into his face and realized my vision was shot because all I saw was a dark blur.

“Haven?” He gripped my arm so he could shake me. “Don’t you fucking dare pass out again.”

“I think I love him,” I answered, just as my knees buckled. “Oh fuck. I do love him.”

“Hey!” Cannon tightened his grip on me and pulled me back upright. “You’re not allowed to freak out, do you hear me?”

I blinked at him, breathing hard. “Why can’t I freak out?”

He sighed. “Because if you freak out, then I’ll freak out. And I don’t want to fucking freak out. Now walk. We’re putting something in both our stomachs whether we’re hungry or not.”

I let him lead me, but when we reached the cafeteria area, the sign said it wouldn’t open for almost an hour.

“Jesus. Of course.” Cannon spun away and jerked his hands into the air.

Then, cursing, he took my arm and nudged me down on a bench next to a vending machine, where he bought us both a bottle of soda. When he shoved one into my face and ordered, “Here. Drink,” I focused on the Mountain Dew and began to cry.
