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The party continued as if Beau and Bentley hadn’t had a blow-up fight in the middle of it.

It wasn’t the first time they’d caused a scene at a family function before. And probably wouldn’t be the last time either.

I remembered one night when they’d first started dating, Beau had been behaving like an ass because one of Luke’s friends started hitting on Bentley relentlessly.

Bentley got so fed up with his surliness, she shouted in front of everyone, “Will you stop acting like a jealous, insecure asshole already? You’re the one I gave my virginity to. Not him!”

I honestly thought my brother was going to lose his life that night because Bentley’s dad very nearly murdered him. It had taken my uncle Ten of all people to calm Knox down by reminding everyone that he’d slept with my dad’s little sister for weeks behind my dad’s back, and that hadn’t ended in an epic disaster, so Beau and Bentley’s relationship could last too.

Not sure how bringing that up did the trick, but somehow, it did. Knox didn’t even hurt Beau that night, and Beau and Bentley had been together ever since, just like Uncle Ten and Aunt Caroline were still together.

God, I loved my family. It was just so...crazy. Beautiful and amazing and yet messed up just enough to let me feel as if my screwed-up—yes, she slept with a dying man just to make him feel better—self actually belonged.

And wow, I hadn’t quite realized how much alcohol I’d had until I stumbled into someone standing beside me.

“Whoa there,” my cousin Teagan told me, slinging a steadying arm over my shoulders. “First time drinking again since the baby was born?” she guessed.

“Yep,” I answered, popping the P, and sending her a loopy grin.

She laughed. “Oh, yeah. Been there. I still don’t remember everything I did the first night I drank again after Harper was born, but JB said I treated him like my very own stripper pole. In front of both sets of our parents.”

I snorted out a giggle and tipped my head towards hers. “I really, really love you,” I said.

She rested her head against mine. “I really, really love you.”

“I’m so happy your dad slept with your mom behind my dad’s back.” She might not be here today if Uncle Ten and Aunt Caroline had actually behaved themselves back then.

She sighed. “So am I.”

“Hey. What’re we hugging about over here?” Chloe demanded, wiggling between us so she could throw her arms around both our shoulders. “I want in on some of this.”

“Oh, Chloe,” I said, wrapping my arms around her. “I love you too.”

Chloe glanced over at Teagan. “She’s completely wasted, huh?”


“Interesting.” Chloe turned back to me, looking way too naughty for her own good. “Does this mean there’s enough truth serum flowing through your veins yet to admit how you really feel about that hot uncle sleeping in your garage?”

Realizing I had to behave on this answer, I cleared my throat and straightened my spine before lifting my chin and announcing, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Vaughn and I are just friends.”

“Just friends, huh?” she taunted, lifting her brows.

I nodded. “Yep.”

“So you’d have no problem with me if I walked over there right now and just started dirty dancing all over him?”

My jaw tightened, but I managed to shake my head and say, “Nope. No problem at all. Be my guest.”

Chloe hummed in her throat, rising to the challenge. “Well, in that case...” She slid her arms off me and Teagan, then strolled away, calling, “See you girls later.”

I gaped after her as she crossed the room to where Vaughn was talking in a group with Julian, Trick, and Tucker. She must’ve said his name as she approached because he looked up and then seemed confused when she took the beer can from his hand and handed it to Trick. And then...

The song “Wow” by Post Malone started, so Chloe dragged Vaughn toward the middle of the room, and she began to dance with him.

It wasn’t at all the provocative dance she’d threatened me with, but I still wasn’t a fan of seeing her hands on his shoulders.
