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“What? No! That is not what I wanted,” I hollered into the dead phone. “Argh!”

Fifteen minutes later, my phone dinged with an incoming text.

VAUGHN: You’re sending me off to hang out with the single guys? Really?

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Damn Beau. He’d done that on purpose just to irritate me.

LUCY OLIVIA: That was not my idea at all. I’m so sorry. I tried to get Beau to keep you company himself, but he had plans so he foisted you off on to the morons.

I couldn’t tell if his reply was amused or irritated when he answered.

VAUGHN: I’m not a new puppy who’s threatening to piss on the floor if left alone too long. I CAN entertain myself, you know.

LUCY OLIVIA: I know. I just don’t want you to be alone tonight if you don’t want to be. Feel free to tell Trick and Luke no if you don’t want to hang out with them.

I kind of hoped he did tell them no. But that’s not what he wrote back.

VAUGHN: I DON’T want to be alone tonight. So how about you let me come see YOU? And Ava. God, she’s probably walking by now. She said her first word already, didn’t she? I can’t miss her first word, Lucy.

LUCY OLIVIA: Oh my God. She’s not walking. She’s not talking. You’ve missed nothing.

VAUGHN: But she’s going to be four months old soon. And you can introduce a baby to their first solid food as early as four months. Am I going to miss that face she makes when her tongue first touches rice cereal?

LUCY OLIVIA: She’s still three WEEKS away from the four-month mark.

VAUGHN: So that means you’re going to lift my ban in the next three weeks? (Hint: your answer here should be yes.)

LUCY OLIVIA: Honestly, I don’t know. You’re definitely not acting like someone in mourning, that’s for sure.

VAUGHN: I’m telling you, you and I had a breakthrough session together. I’m feeling a million times better since I got all that nasty shit off my chest. Sometimes getting over your biggest fear is to just look it in the face and speak its name aloud. And that’s what I did with you. The logical side of my brain has been in control ever since then, and the emotional side honestly just wants to be inside you again. So…?

When he added begging-eye emojis, I melted. And I actually put a date on it.

LUCY OLIVIA: Sunday. If you can manage to stay away from all those nasty, single women I just know Trick and Luke are going to try to set you up with tonight, then we’ll see each other face-to-face on Sunday. How about that?

He must’ve thought I wasn’t being serious because he immediately wrote back.



VAUGHN: Holy shit, woman. You have yourself a deal. So you better take whatever precautions you need to in the next two days, because come Sunday, that pussy is mine. And it’s going to take a pounding.

My entire body flushed, and I bit my lip before letting out an excited squeal. Nerves tangled in my stomach. I truly hoped this didn’t backfire in any way and he ended up backsliding again, but mostly I was just excited.

LUCY OLIVIA: Pretty sure I’m already wet and ready for you.

He immediately replied.

VAUGHN: Evil woman. Now I’m going to be hard for two days straight.

I grinned and hugged myself. That was the plan.

I’d always been secretly jealous of the raw, open way my brother had loved Bentley. Together, they’d been a wildfire, either arguing loudly or loving loudly.

Then again, I’d also been freaked out by their outgoing, intense relationship. Being more on the mellow, introverted side, I knew I wanted something just as strong and deep, but maybe something a little quieter. Softer.

Except my feelings for every guy I’d dated before Vaughn must’ve been so soft I didn’t even feel them.
