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I slapped him in the arm, and he frowned at me, mouthing “What?”

Bentley appeared at his side then, taking his hand. “I think we’re going to check out the cafeteria for some breakfast now,” she told me, sniffing because her own eyes were suspiciously moist. “We’ll be back.”

I nodded to them gratefully, thinking Vaughn would appreciate the bit of privacy.

In fact, I would’ve climbed out of bed myself and taken a stroll down the halls to give him some time to himself, but it had been a really long night, giving birth to my daughter, and I hadn’t yet changed out of my hospital gown, so I didn’t feel like flashing my bare ass to the entire hospital either.

Which meant I just sat there and witnessed it all.

By the time Vaughn pulled himself back together, I felt shaken to the core. I wiped frantically at my eyes, hoping he wouldn’t notice how hard I’d cried with him.

“Sorry,” he mumbled in a hoarse, broken voice, refusing to meet my gaze as he pushed his way to his feet to bring Ava Grace to me.

“No, no,” I assured him. “You’re okay. This is some intense stuff. I get it.” Then I sent him a watery smile as he gently set Ava Grace in my arms. “I really am sorry about Duke.”

He nodded and pulled away to drag the back of his hand across his nose. “Thanks. I know he was a pain-in-the-ass wise guy, but he was all I had, you know?”

“I understand,” I assured him, looking down at my little girl. “But at least that’s not the case anymore.”

Vaughn’s gaze rose questionably to my face. Then he blinked and cleared his throat before motioning toward the bag still sitting in the middle of the floor. “I, uh, I brought you some of those things you asked for. It’s just some pictures and family memory albums and stuff.”

“You did?” I brightened with a happy smile. “That’s great. Thank you. But, uh, are you sure about the memory albums? I don’t want to take anything too sentimental from you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, easing a step back as if he were preparing to bolt. “They should be kept with Duke’s daughter.”

I glanced at the angelic face of the infant in my arms. Then up again. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you just keep the albums and then stay in touch with us? That way, you can tell Ava Grace all about Duke when she’s older.”

He gaped at me in wonder for a moment, then shook his head slightly. “A-are you sure? You wouldn’t mind if I—I mean, it’s okay to visit her sometimes?”

“Of course. You’re well-meaning family, aren’t you? Good family sticks together.” Then I cracked a grin and rolled my eyes. “I mean, trust me, if I thought relatives were that disposable, I might’ve gotten rid of Beau ages ago.” But then I lifted a finger thoughtfully and added, “But kept his wife and kid around, for sure.”

He smiled vaguely over my lame attempt at a joke, only to fall serious again. “Thank you. I...” He shook his head, looking like he might burst into tears again, but he managed to hold it in by clearing his throat and sending me a tense smile. “I appreciate it.” Easing a step back, he jammed his hands uncomfortably into his pockets. “Well…” He glanced toward the door, then turned back. “I still have your card, so I’ll—I’ll just keep in touch?”

Since he’d made it a question, I nodded encouragingly. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Alright then. Great.” He risked another peek at Ava Grace, then met my gaze. “Thank you,” he murmured before turning away to leave the room, totally forgetting the gift bag full of Merrill family albums.


sp; I blew out a heavy breath at his departure, figuring I’d get his stuff back to him later. Because it definitely seemed like there would be another later between us.

Which was weird. Vaughn Merrill was going to be a permanent fixture in my life from now on. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if I dreaded our next encounter or looked forward to it because, wow, it might’ve taken a couple of attempts to warm up to the guy, but once you did…

Holy hell. He left quite an impact.



I managed to wait three days before visiting again.

Not sure if Lucy and the baby would still be at the hospital, I had called there first, only to learn they’d already been released.

So I pulled the faux business card Lucy had given me all those months ago from my wallet, and I followed the address to her house.

In the span of time since I’d learned I was going to be an uncle, and therefore had another family member left on the planet, I’d been busy. I had read every pregnancy book I could get my hands on, plus new parenting books, and I’d signed up for an online newsletter to help guide me through. Then I’d grown the strange habit of buying some kind of infant paraphernalia every time I was at the store.

My entire closet was now crammed full of baby shit.
