Page 108 of Season of Seduction

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* * *

Liam tucked the towel around his waist and opened the door. He stopped cold, frowning. Kat sat on the bed, her face solemn and a bit apprehensive. Hunter stood in front of her, twisted to look back at him. Clearly he’d missed something.

“What’s going on?”

Hunter crossed his arms over his chest. His biceps bulged in a way that made Liam’s mouth water. He had more muscle, more depth of chest and breadth of shoulder than he had when they were teens. Maturity looked good on him. Really, really good.

Kat cleared her throat. “It’s your show, Hunter.”

Hunter shook his head slightly. “I don’t think so, Kat. I think it’s yours.”

“Someone needs to tell me what you two are talking about.” Liam glanced between them.

Hunter dropped his arms to his sides. “I... Shit. I’m no good at this.”

Kat sighed. “You pushed him into new territory, Liam.”

He looked at his wife. They’d already talked about this. “Yeah. I didn’t think we’d get anywhere otherwise.”

Hunter gave him a sour look. “You have a real issue with pushing people where you want them to go.”

Liam lifted his chin. He was getting really tired of having that pointed out to him. “I don’t need to revisit that.”

He and Hunter stared at each other for a moment before Hunter nodded.

“The deal here is that it wasn’t exactly his idea.” Kat’s tone caught his attention. She was anxious and trying to hide it.

“So, what, this is a test?” Liam frowned. He didn’t like it. He wasn’t convinced that bringing it to a decision point this early was a good idea. The connection between Hunter and him was too fragile.

“Yeah,” Hunter answered, only to be contradicted by Kat shaking her head at the same time.

“It isn’t a test.”

Hunter looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “It is a test.”

“Someone spell it out for me.” Liam was done with dancing around this. “What are we trying to accomplish here?”

“Kat wants me to fuck you in front of her.”

The world went sideways as Hunter’s blunt statement sent all the blood from his head straight to Liam’s cock. Son of a bitch.

He shook his head to clear it. He licked his lips and fought to be calm. “Yeah, she likes that.”

Hunter gave an ill-tempered shrug. It was painfully obvious this made him very uncomfortable. “Yeah, well. I don’t know if I can do that.”

That would be a problem. So it was a test, even if Kat didn’t want to call it that.

Liam was suddenly nervous. Not the sort of adrenaline rush he got before client presentations or when the first shovel of dirt came out of the ground on a new project. This was gut-clenching, nail-biting anxiety. He had thought he’d put that kind of insecurity behind him, but evidently not. Hunter stripped his defenses and left him raw. He’d have to get used to that.

Kat stood. “Why don’t we start easier? There’s no need to jump into the deep end. Let’s try working up to that.”

Hunter looked so relieved Liam almost laughed. Kat was right. Liam hadn’t given much thought to Hunter’s perspective on the idea of a threesome. He’d simply assumed it was something to be overcome by forcing him to face the attraction between them. But that wasn’t all of it. So where should he begin?

* * *

Hunter wasn’t expecting it. He’d thought Liam would come to him, but instead, he stepped past him to pull Kat into his embrace. Kat went easily, tilting her face up to his.

Liam’s kiss was deliberate, slow and thorough. He explored her mouth with single-minded interest, and Hunter thought his dick might explode. More than sexy, their kiss was intimate. He hadn’t really appreciated the level of emotional intimacy the three of them were forming together.
