Page 127 of Season of Seduction

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It looked almost delicate in his hands, the bright green plastic emerging from the rectangular base holding the battery and flowing in a narrow, curved arc to a bulbous head. Like the bizarre sexual organs of an exotic flower. She loved that shade of green.

Liam made a sound of anticipation and arousal when he saw the toy. Whether he used it on her or she on him, it was a favorite for a reason. The vibe was designed especially for p-spot and g-spot stimulation, and she and Liam had enjoyed many sessions employing it to mutual satisfaction.

Hunter had given her the idea for this little bit of fun. It wasn’t quite what he’d suggested, but she wanted more intimacy, more contact than a strap-on really allowed. The three of them were still raw from the earlier discussion and she craved the closeness this scenario provided. Hopefully Hunter would be willing to push his boundaries a tiny bit.

Hunter placed the vibe in her hand, but made no move to join them on the bed. That was okay. She intended he watch. At least for a little while.

“Do you remember what you told me in the shower? When you gave up control for me?”

He looked away. “I said a lot of things.”

She smiled. “A few things stood out. But in this case, you told me you wanted to watch me fuck Liam with a strap-on. Remember that?”

Liam made a strangled sound on the bed next to her, but she ignored him, focusing instead on Hunter. Wariness gave way to arousal, and the heat staining his cheekbones told her she’d hit a definite trigger.

“Yeah.” He swallowed convulsively.

“Well, you can watch me fuck him with this vibe. Give me your hand.”

Without question, Hunter extended his hand. Kat hid her surprise at his rapid compliance. It was what she’d hoped for, but she was still surprised to get it.

She flicked the switch on the vibe, holding the rounded tip against Hunter’s wrist.

His hand twitched in hers, but he didn’t pull back. “That’s weird. Almost tickly.”

“Yes. It’s on the lowest setting.” She inched the intensity up. “But you have to imagine that not against your wrist, but stroking over your prostate.”

Liam rolled so his hard cock pressed against the curve of her ass. “Less talking, more doing,” he murmured, nipping her shoulder.

He surprised a laugh from her. She switched off the vibe. “Be patient, Liam. You’ll have it in a minute.”

“God, I hope so,” he said fervently.

“You really like it?”

“Like isn’t strong enough,” Liam crooned. “Gimme.”

She playfully swatted his hand. “No. I get to play, so lie back.”

When he’d done as she directed, splaying himself in the center of the bed, she settled herself between his knees.

“Hunter, you’re in charge of the top half. You can do anything you want to Liam, but only above the navel.”

Hunter stared at her for a moment before a grin spread across his face. He was finally getting it. “So this being in control thing isn’t going to happen by committee vote?”

“Nope.” She hesitated before adding, “We each have veto powers, though. Always.”

Liam pointed a finger at Hunter. “You do not want to veto this.”

“No, I don’t.” Hunter removed his shorts and claimed a spot by Liam’s shoulder.

She drew her fingers along Liam’s thigh and gave Hunter a stern look. “Remember, no touching below the waist.”

Liam made a pained noise. “Come on, Kat, that’s just mean. The man has a mouth like a fucking Hoover.”

“And a tongue of special skill. Yes, I know. But that is the rule. Now bend your knees so I can lube you up.”

With only token muttering, Liam complied, giving her the
