Page 144 of Season of Seduction

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“Easy, kitten. Easy.” He kept his voice soft and calm. “Consequences are things like stopping what we’re doing. Or me getting off, but making you sit there and watch while I do it myself. I don’t use spankings or flogging or caning for punishment. I never have and I never will.” He leaned forward and kissed her gently, his hand still tangled in her hair. “Especially not with you. Not now that I”

“I didn’t know—”

He cut her off with another kiss. “I know you didn’t know. I’m not angry, sweetheart. We’re learning here, together, both of us. I’m just sharing my rules.”

She blinked up at him. “Do I get to have rules too?”

He smiled at her tremulous question. “In a manner of speaking. If there are things you’re dead-set against doing, you only have to tell me. Those are hard limits. A do-not-cross line, and I promise you, I’ll respect it. And there might be things that aren’t cast in stone but you’re still not sure you want them. Those are soft limits. We play carefully around those, but I’m going to push you to try, especially if I think you really want them but you’re afraid to say so.”

Her eyes went soft. “Okay.”

“Good girl. Now, where were we? Oh, right.” He guided her head close then fisted his cock with his free hand to rub it against her lips. She didn’t struggle, just went with it, opening her mouth immediately. His stomach tightened. “Lick me.”

She made a noise low in her throat and did exactly as he ordered, tentatively licking the head of his dick, then drawing her tongue over the part of it not covered by his fist. Her tongue lashed against his hand, so he withdrew it and she continued on, licking him in long strokes until his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. “Stop.”

She froze immediately, her breath warm puffs of air against his wet length.

He was torn. It was obvious she had little to no experience with this, but she was turning him inside out with her innocence. He didn’t want to ruin that, to mar the experience for her, but he needed to know how far he could go. “Kitten, have you done this before?”

Her face paled. “Oh, God. I’m—”

“Ah, hell,” he muttered, cutting her off. “I’m fucking this up. Don’t you dare apologize. If you were any better at it, you’d kill me. But I need to know if you’re going to panic if I come in your mouth.”

Instant color flooded her cheeks. “No, I haven’t. But I’m not that naïve. I know what happens.”

“Good to know.” An evil idea crossed his mind, and he grinned. “I think we’ll change things up a bit. A blowjob is great, but I’m going to fuck your mouth instead.”

Her eyes went wide, so wide he could see the whites all the way around them, and her hands flexed on his thighs, her fingertips biting into his legs.

“Kitten? You with me?’

“I didn’t know that was possible,” she blurted. “How... I don’t get that.”

He laughed. Here he thought she was freaking out, when she was showing the curiosity of the kitten he called her. “Easy, sweetheart. You open wide, and I stroke in and out.”

She stared at his cock, her eyes still wide, her face red. “I don’t know about that.”

“Is that a hard limit? Or a soft one?”

He could see her mind spinning. She closed her eyes for a long moment, and when she opened them again, they were serious. “Soft, I think. But please—”

His heart twisted as he moved to reassure her. “Trust me, Rebeccah. I won’t hurt you.” When she nodded, finally, he squeezed her shoulder. “Trade places with me.”

He stood and reached behind her, picking up his belt and putting it in her palm, curling her hand around it. “Because your mouth will be otherwise occupied,” he said, letting her see the humor in his eyes, “you need a safe signal instead of a safe word. If you need me to stop, drop the belt. Understand?”


“You’re an amazing woman, and don’t you ever forget that.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, tenderly at first, then harder as she opened to him. He moved his way over her face, placing butterfly kisses on her eyes and the tip of her nose, moving back to her mouth. He lightly bit her bottom lip and soothed it with his tongue.

He guided her backward so she sat, and as soon as she was on the chair, his cock throbbed. Patience, he reminded himself. His fisted himself and squeezed until he felt more in control. “Put your tongue out, kitten.”

She looked up at him, her tongue out like an obedient, eager sub, and he nearly lost it right there. He tapped it with his cock and she moaned, making his balls ache. “Open wide,” he growled, fighting against the need to take, to do what his body demanded when faced with a willing, consenting, submissive woman.

He grabbed a fistful of her hair with one hand, holding her head steady as he stroked into her mouth for the very first time. Her lips closed around him, warm and wet. “Fuck,” he swore, his teeth clenched. “Fuck, that’s good.”

He kept his strokes shallow, not wanting to freak her out. He glanced down at her hand, the one holding the belt. It was still clenched tightly in her hand, and her fist was on his hip. Her free hand grasped his other hip. On an out stroke, he paused. “Still with me, kitten?”

“More,” she begged. “Please don’t stop.”
