Page 149 of Season of Seduction

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She flashed hot all over. “I, uh...”

He laughed. “Makes you wonder what I have planned for you, doesn’t it?”

She turned her head and looked out the window at the scenery passing by. “I’ve been wondering that ever since you asked me last night. I can’t decide if coming with you was a good idea or a bad one. I just know I didn’t feel like I had a choice.”

He didn’t respond but a minute later, he pulled the car into one of the many overlooks scattered throughout the park. “Kitten, look at me.”

She felt like an idiot then, and didn’t want to look at him. If she did, he’d see the confusion on her face.

His voice grew sharper, roughly demanding but not cruel, and his hand landed on her shoulder. “Look at me, Becca.”

Why did that tone of voice make her want to do whatever he told her to? She didn’t know, and that was part of her problem. All she knew was she wanted him to keep talking to her in that low, sexy rumble. She turned her head and was bowled over by the naked longing on his face—and the worry in his eyes.

“What do you mean, you didn’t feel like you had a choice?”

She sighed. “Not that you didn’t give me a choice, because obviously you did. And not because I’m worried about Sam, because I’m not. Not really. I just meant that I felt like I had to do this. Like if I didn’t, I’d regret it the rest of my life.” She covered her flaming face. “Gah. I can’t believe I just said that.”

“I know what you mean.”

She looked at him warily. “You do?”

He grimaced. “Kitten, I told you. I’ve wanted you a long fucking time. Never thought I’d get to have you. But you’re not sure you’re willing to give up control to me, which is something I need from the woman I’m involved with. And I don’t know if I can turn my desire for control off, if that’s what you need from me. I can’t be anyone but myself. Just as you can’t be anyone but yourself. But I don’t want to give you up, either. So yeah, I get it.”

The sincerity in his voice was almost her undoing. She swallowed over the lump in her throat. “I guess we just have to see, right?”

He nodded, and she could practically see him shake the serious talk off. Then he ran a finger across her cheek and grinned. “And I intend to see every single inch of you before the day is out.”


* * *

Jeremy pulled carefully back onto the road, heading toward the cabin. He hoped he hadn’t blown it by dumping his concerns onto Becca. He normally wouldn’t have shared that much of himself, but Becca wasn’t just anyone. And this wasn’t just any get-to-know-you weekend away. For the first time in a very long time, he needed to connect on a level that wasn’t based primarily on D/s. She needed an emotional connection first, and he needed to be the one to provide it.

He glanced over at her. She’d worn a down jacket that she’d tossed in the back seat not long after they’d gotten on the road. Today, she wore a form-fitting red sweater—more elf clothes—that brought out the color in her cheeks. The low, scooped neckline dipped as she turned, baring the top curve of her breasts.

His mouth watered. He couldn’t wait to get his lips and his tongue on her again, couldn’t wait for another taste of her skin. He clenched the steering wheel and willed himself back under control. They had four days to get to know each other better, to explore this attraction between them, and things would probably go better if he didn’t jump on her the minute they stepped through the cabin door.

“I’ve never been here before,” she said, breaking into his thoughts.

“Yeah? It’s one of my favorite places. I’ve been here summer and fall and one of the guys at work suggested I try winter. Like you, I’m not much of a skier. But I like hiking no matter what time of the year, and I needed a break. I thought this would be a good way to spend some downtime.”

“My family has always done a lot of outdoor stuff like hiking, camping and fishing, but Sam didn’t like any of it, so we never went.” Her voice drifted off and she looked down at the boots on her feet. “It’s been a long time since I’ve worn these.”

He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Well, if I decide to let you out of bed sometime in the next four days, kitten, we’ll go hiking.”

She opened her mouth and closed it again.

He laughed. “Something on your mind?”

“Why do you call me that?” she blurted out.

“It just seems to fit you?” He hadn’t really thought about it, had just called her that on a whim. She worried her lip, and he raised a brow. “Come on. Out with it.”

“I looked a few things up online last night after you left.”

Shit, that could be goo

d or bad. “Like?” She fidgeted in her seat, and that could be good or bad, too. Turned on by what she’d seen and read? Or worried about the same?
