Page 18 of Season of Seduction

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Taking his advice, she did laps in the pool, though really it was stalling. The emotional charge built up, a kind of excited dread that nevertheless translated to arousal, as all of this did. From brief glimpses of Miguel’s activ

ities, it appeared he had assembled some things for the next session.

More strenuous, he’d said.

As before, the anticipation seemed nearly worse than getting to it. Had he done that on purpose, told her the schedule so she’d think about it? All part of his cornering of her.

“It’s time, Roo.” Miguel stood at the edge of the pool wearing an old pair of khaki shorts. She happened to know he wore nothing beneath. He hadn’t shaved today, so he looked ever more wild—like someone she’d expect to find wielding a machete in the jungle. A guerilla who captured white women, tied them up and ravished them. The fact that he held a length of rope in his hand only intensified the effect. He radiated male sexuality, the thrust of his cock against the worn shorts showing his excitement at the thought of what he was about to do to her. He held out a preemptory hand. “Out of the pool. Now.”

The demand thrilled her. If she ran, would he chase her down? Tackle her and truss her up? She’d never really gotten the whole forced-seduction fantasy thing, but now...oh yes. She climbed the steps, water sheeting off her naked body, acting more reluctant than she felt. His eyes glittered and he took her wrist roughly, spinning her and tightly tying her wrists together. She struggled and his hand smacked her on the ass, stinging.

“Behave,” he snarled. Then he knelt and lashed her ankles together.

“Please don’t hurt me,” she whimpered, getting into the game. The safe-word thing made sense now. She could pretend to struggle and protest and he would know she didn’t mean it unless she said that silly, out-of-context word. It was liberating to enact the forbidden fantasy and yet be safe. “Please, sir, I’ll do anything!”

“Yes, you will.” He bit her on the neck and squeezed one breast hard, the other hand pushing roughly between her closed thighs, penetrating her slick heat. She cried out in protest, knowing that he was making sure she was enjoying herself. “In fact, you can prove your willingness to me. Kneel down.”

He steadied her while she knelt on the edge of the pool, then unzipped his shorts and held his cock for her. “Please me and perhaps things won’t go badly for you.”

Taking him in her mouth, she used every trick she knew, though not being able to use her hands made it more difficult. It also added to the sense of being helplessly out of control. The hot sun beat down, drying her skin, but she focused entirely on his cock in her mouth, on pleasing her captor.

Relaxing her throat, she swallowed him in as far as she could, driving him hard and fast. Miguel threw back his head, hands clenched, the veins standing out on his muscular forearms. With a sense of power, she pushed him over the edge, drinking in his hoarse shout of pleasure as he bucked in her mouth.

She held him there while he softened, coming back to himself.

“Enough.” He wrapped a fist in her hair to pull her off him. He kept his face creased in mean, aggressive lines, but he breathed heavily, clearly affected. Tucking his gleaming cock away, he rebuttoned his shorts. “You please me well enough to keep you for my own. But you need a bit of discipline to teach you your place.”

He tied another length of rope around her neck in a loose collar, leaving a length free for a leash. Then he pulled a knife from his belt sheath and cut the ties on her wrists and ankles. “Hands and knees, pet.”

She crawled along the poolside as he tugged lightly on the leash. Her breasts hung down heavy and the sensation of being his captive pet blew her mind. Though it was only a game, the surpassing urge to please him suffused her body like oxygen. She thought if he touched her again, she might climax immediately.

Leading her to the end of one of the lounge chairs, he brusquely ordered her to lie on it with her upper body, knees on the smooth Caribbean-blue pool tiles. With more rope, he tied her wrists to the arms of the chair and her knees to its feet. The bonds weren’t tight, giving her room to wriggle, which he seemed to like.

“Struggle all you like, pet. You will never escape me. Soon you will beg for my discipline...and my cock.” A stinging blow, more painful than any before, shocked the breath from her body. Before she could catch it again, another slap landed. This wasn’t his hand, but something harder. She began struggling against her bonds, frantically keening, while he spanked her again and again.

This was so much better than trying to keep still on her own.

She cried out to him, begging and pleading, a catharsis of tension that climaxed with him tossing aside the paddle in a clatter and plunging into her, shouting out that she belonged to him. His fingers dug into her hips while she urged him to fuck her. Fuck her harder. Fuck her forever.

Their voices twined into a duet of passion, crying out to the clear blue sky and the sun, hanging like an orb of gold in the center.

* * *

As wrung out as she felt this time, Miguel lay collapsed over her back, a hot, slick weight. She made a noise of protest when he withdrew from her and he murmured shushing sounds, stroking her back. He cut the ropes, including the one around her neck, and helped her to lie on her stomach on the lounge.

Groaning, he got to his feet and padded away. When he returned, he rubbed cooling cream into the fiery flesh of her bottom. “You have such tender skin,” he commented. “So sensitive.”

She craned her neck to look over her shoulder. Now her ass was red, with several angry-looking lines. More what she’d expected this morning. It barely hurt, though, probably because she still rode some sort of endorphin high. That had been spectacular. She sighed out a long breath and caught him watching her intently.

“Was that okay?” he asked.

She scooted a hand out and laced her fingers with his. “Miguel, that was more than okay. It was an out-of-body amazing event.”

He smiled then and she realized he’d been worried. He ran a gentle hand over her bottom and she hissed at the sting, feeling it now. “My tender virgin.”

“Hardly that.”

“In so many enticing ways.” He bent to kiss her, high on the cheekbone. “We’ll have to go carefully on the next two.”
