Page 64 of Season of Seduction

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Kim made it to the door by the third ring, and still needed a moment to collect herself before she could open it. Because it was Blake standing on the other side—she hoped—and he’d never been to her apartment before. Not once. Normally, she’d go through on a last-minute tear, cleaning up whatever she could. But considering the emotional rollercoaster she’d been on today, the pile of laundry on her couch shouldn’t be a big deal.

Closing her eyes, she flicked the lock and pulled the door open. “It would have been better to have stated an actual time so I didn’t waste my whole day.”

There wasn’t a sound, which forced Kim to actually look at her visitor. Instead of se

eing Blake, or God forbid the pizza guy, the only thing her brain was able to register was the color red.

Lots and lots of red.

With some white around the fringe. And a giant white fake beard.

“No,” she said in little more than a whisper. It would have simply been too ridiculous to rub her eyes, ensuring that the vision before her was real.

It was a Santa Claus.

The jacket of the man fell open to reveal a bare chest, covered with only the lightest dusting of hair.

No, it wasn’t Santa. This was one of her Naughty Nicks.

“Shit.” Kim resisted the urge to lick her lips, but she wasn’t strong enough to tear her gaze away from that barest hint of flesh to look into the eyes of the man standing there. She thought she could identify each of the guys by their midsections, but apparently she needed a refresher course.

“Blake sent you here?”

“Not exactly.”

Kim gasped. She knew that voice better than anyone else. Maybe the wine had gone to her head and was making her hallucinate. “Blake?”

“Mind if I come in? It’s drafty out here.”

Kim backed away, more out of shock than any true acknowledgment of his request. “What are you doing? I mean, I know what you’re doing here, you told me you were coming. But why are you here dressed like that?”

He took up most of the small doorway as he pushed his way in. The large black bag that hung over his shoulder banged against the wall. Flipping it around to hold it out in front of him tugged more at his Santa jacket, exposing more of the tantalizingly naked flesh beneath.

Oh, this was fucked up. And strangely erotic.

“Living room is this way?” Blake didn’t bother waiting for her response, instead moving past her. “Nice place you have here.”

“Thanks.” Any other time, she’d have rolled with the punches and simply accepted what was being thrown her way. But there was no way she could get this worked out in her overactive brain. Blake was finally here, but not in the way she’d ever imagined. “I said, why are you wearing that?”

“I need you to come sit down, please.”

“Are you going to answer my questions?”

“I will. Once you sit down.” He grabbed hold of the arms of her reclining chair and pulled it away from the couch. Next he shifted the coffee table so it was against the far wall. The result of those two moves opened up a respectable amount of space where someone would be able to dance.

Or strip, as the case might be.

Holy shit, Blake was going to strip for her.

“This chair.” He patted the cushion, sending the fake beard fluttering.

The entire situation was far too ridiculous for words. Instead of protesting or bothering with any more questions, Kim did as he asked and sat down in the chair. Her legs weren’t going to keep her upright much longer anyway.

He straightened up and braced his hands on his hips. She could barely make out his smile from beneath the piled curls. “Comfy?”


