Page 74 of Season of Seduction

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“What? Kiss you?” He covered her mouth once more with his. “Why not?”

“I’m trying to talk.”

“Okay, then talk.”

Before she even took a breath, he rolled on top of her, raining kisses across her face. “Little elf, come home with me for Christmas.”

“No, you’re mean to me and won’t let me talk.” She gave him another Oscar-worthy pout. “Big meany.”

“I promise we’ll watch White Christmas and drink eggnog.”

“With rum?”

“I suppose. We’ll have to fight my mum off for it though.”

Kim reached for a blanket that had fallen to the floor during sex and threw it over them. “I’ll promise not to hurt your mom, but no one messes with my nog.”

Snuggling together, a sense of rightness fell on him. This might not have been the direction he’d thought his life would take when he’d first opened Nicks, but it had certainly worked out for the best.

Naughty Nick found his wicked wonderful elf. And he intended for them to have a very merry Christmas indeed.


Kim knelt down in front of the box of decorations and tried to sort out the useful from the tacky. Blake had promised her he’d be back before now so he could help, but clearly the problem at the office wasn’t as straightforward as he’d originally thought. The DVD would stay paused until his return—because The Ref wasn’t the same without him—and she needed another task to occupy her time.

The past year had been amazing. After Blake’s strip tease they’d agreed to give the dating thing a solid go. She could have slapped him for making her wait so long to be with him. She couldn’t be happier and for the first time since she’d met him, Blake looked relaxed and at peace with the world. Now December was upon them and Naughty Nicks was back in action.

She reached into the box and pulled out an old wooden ornament that looked as though it was older than both she and Blake put together. It was probably some family heirloom, which meant it would need to be put up, even if the garbage can was a better location. She’d just set it down on the floor when the door to Blake’s house opened.

“Hey,” she said and turned back to the box. “I got bored so I started sorting your Christmas stuff. You need new shit.”

When Blake didn’t respond, she turned back around. He was still wearing his winter coat and outdoor shoes. His frown was far deeper than she’d seen it in a long while and he looked almost sick.

“Are you okay?” Pushing herself up, she padded over to him, the sound of her bare feet swallowed up by the carpet. “You look like shit.” She didn’t get the chance to move before Blake let his coat fall to the floor and scooped her up into his arms as he belatedly kicked off his shoes and marched them both toward the kitchen counter. Kim held on for dear life, until she was deposited onto the surface. Then she simply watched as he fumbled with the fly of his pants.

“Bad day at the office?”

He didn’t stop, but looked into her eyes and simply said, “Please.”

If there was one thing she’d come to realize in the year that they’d been dating, it was that she couldn’t say no to Blake.

It took less than a second to pull her shirt off and send it flying through the air. Her bra was a bit slower coming off—easily three seconds—though it followed the same trajectory as her shirt. While she was busy stripping, Blake had shoved down his pants and briefs, leaving him deliciously naked from the waist down.

“Lift up.” He was tugging on her pants before she complied, somehow managing them halfway down her hips without her help.

Kim lifted herself up by her arms, holding the pose while he stripped her yoga pants and panties down her legs. With one foot now free, the clothing hung around her ankle, a mere footnote in the proceedings. Seeing who could come first was currently the main event.

Blake’s cock pressed against the inside of her thigh as he scooted her closer to the edge of the counter. They’d already agreed to go for testing in the New Year to make sure they were both clean so they could forego the need fo

r condoms. As his precome smeared against her skin, Kim really wished they could have done the test already. A year ago wouldn’t have been too soon. She wanted to feel his naked skin inside her, wanted his come to fill her up. She was clean, and she had no doubt Blake was also...

When he cursed and started to pull away from her, no doubt with the intention of heading to the bedroom for provisions, Kim stopped him with a hand to his shoulder.

“I’m on the pill.”

He blinked in an adorable owl-like fashion.

“You’re the only person I’ve had sex with in over a year. I’ve always used protection and I’m on the pill.”
