Page 87 of Season of Seduction

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Every move generated new, incredible sensations. The squeezing pressure, the smooth muscles, every inch he pushed forward swamped his pleasure centers.

Liam’s muffled grunts only added to Hunter’s excitement. Liam squirmed, trying to work Hunter’s cock deeper.

“Stop wiggling.”

Liam moaned. “Can’t. God. Go deeper. Go all the way.”

“Shut up,” Hunter ordered. Sweat dripped down his face with the effort to go slow.

Instead of being quiet, Liam got louder. He shifted so he could palm his erection, tipping Hunter off balance and pushing his cock in to the root. Intense pleasure fired all the way through to the base of his spine.

Liam moaned under him, a sound so viscerally sexual Hunter bit his lip to contain an answering groan. It suddenly seemed imperative that Hunter not make a sound. He might have his dick lodged in Liam’s ass, but he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much it affected him.

Hunter readjusted his grip and changed his angle, withdrawing as slowly as he’d entered. This was new territory to him, and he concentrated on the scrape and pull of every movement. Out, all the way to the tip, then back in again. A slow, exploratory slide that drew his nerves taut and tightened his muscles to the point of agony. Fuck.

Hunter’s concentration focused, everything narrowing down to sensory inputs. The burning friction of the carpet against his knees blended with the cool firmness of Liam’s buttocks pressed against his hips. The sound of Liam’s pleasure filled his head. The lights from the holiday display outside threw colored shadows into the hall, painting the smooth skin of Liam’s back like stained glass.

The primal beauty of the moment slammed into him and he froze. His pounding heart stuttered in its rhythm and his breath whooshed out as if he’d been kicked in the solar plexus.

“Hunter!” Liam’s voice snapped him back. He couldn’t deal with that shit now. Right now...right now he needed to move. His dick demanded his attention, the squeezing pressure along his shaft more of a turn-on than he would have believed possible.

Determined not to think, Hunter pulled back, then slammed forward, all the way home. The impact shuddered through both of them, a deep concussive blow that seemed to grab Hunter by the balls and squeeze. Hunter’s involuntary grunt was drowned out by Liam’s cry of pleasure.

“God!” Liam’s voice shook, his ass clenching down on Hunter’s throbbing cock.

Hunter let his head fall back and began a fast, steady pace. Jesus, the way Liam felt around him short-circuited his brain. He’d never been so grateful for the thin barrier of a condom.

Lost in the building pleasure, Hunter was only vaguely aware of how Liam moved under him. Liam’s arm and shoulder twitched, moving in time with Hunter’s heavy thrusts. Hunter dragged air into his lungs, suddenly realizing that Liam was jacking himself off as Hunter fucked him.

That did it. The idea of Liam’s long-fingered, elegant hands wrapped around hard flesh while Hunter slammed his own cock home pushed him over the edge of his control.

He gave up and let his cock set the pace. It was hard, almost brutal, but evidently worked for Liam. Liam vised down on Hunter, making the thrusts rougher as he gave a hoarse shout. It was all Hunter needed. Pleasure so intense it was painful expanded from the base of his spine. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as his orgasm pumped out of him in such hot, massive streams he hazily worried that the condom wouldn’t hold. Then there was nothing but static in his head as his brain simply shut down.

Long moments later, reality began to sift into his consciousness. Somehow he’d ended up on the carpet on his side with Liam curled into him. Shit.

He reached down between them to grasp the base of his cock and keep the condom in place. He slid out of Liam easily, the constricting ring of muscle releasing him with a wet, erotic sound. Even after three wrecking orgasms tonight, his cock twitched.

Liam stretched out, flopping over on his back.

Suddenly needing space, Hunter rolled to his feet. His jeans were still at his knees, so he yanked them up one-handed. He stepped over Liam and strode through the master bedroom to the bathroom. After disposing of the condom, he fastened his jeans and stared at himself in the mirror.

What the hell was he going to do? He didn’t even know what he wanted to do.

Chapter Four

“Beating yourself up, Hunter?”

The slightly mocking tone reignited the anger that’d gone dormant during his sexual frenzy. Hunter turned slowly, leaning a hip against the vanity. He crossed his arms and stared at Liam in silence.

Liam’s hair stood in damp spikes on his head and streaks of sweat marked his face and torso. The slow burn of attraction smoldered in Hunter’s gut, but he ignored it. He’d let his libido take control too often tonight. He needed to engage his brain, stay on target and not get distracted.

His personal identity crisis could wait, but he needed to deal with Liam now.

Liam sneered. “No answer?”

He knew Liam’s manipulative tendencies, his need to make things fit his expectations. Wasn’t that how he ended up here? Not this time, though. This was too important.

“You didn’t give her my note.”
