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Would it make me an asshole to admit out loud that I was ecstatic he’d killed the vibrator? I had no qualms about taking its place, and maybe without it being available to her, I’d get the opportunity to do that.

With her reaction to Naomi’s half-brother, Jeremy, and now Magic Mike, my determination to get her to see me as something other than ‘just Canon’ increased. And maybe now I had my window to do just that.

Pressing my thumb into the arch of her foot, I gently massaged it as I took my time dabbing on more Neosporin than was necessary. She didn’t call me on it once, though, and instead just relaxed further until she was lying on the floor.

Finally, looking down at her injuries, I almost snorted when I saw the mess I’d made with the ointment. Instead of limiting its application to the cuts, I’d smeared it all over her ankle, making it look like a lousy orange/red painting as it mixed with the Betadine.


Using a clean cotton ball, I wiped it up as best I could, then leaned over to where there were some Band-Aids on the ground next to Jacinda’s head. This time, my actions had been entirely innocent, but that turned to shit when I looked down and saw her staring up at me.

The tip of her tongue poked out as she licked her lips, and my resolve shattered into pieces. Swooping down, I kissed her, groaning into her mouth when she immediately opened it for me.

In a move I hadn’t expected, she wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me into her until our crotches were pressed tightly together. I could feel the slightly ridged lace on the tip of my cock through the thin material of my underwear and had to start reciting options for the menu at Kleins to stop myself from coming too soon. There’s no way I’d allow that to happen. I was going to enjoy every second of this first time with her.

Her little hands pushed at my chest, and when I lifted up, I expected her to say it was a mistake and ask me to leave. Instead, she surprised me again by merely pulling off her tank top, leaving her in a bra that matched the panties.

As I got up onto my knees and pulled my t-shirt over my head, I noticed the front clasp of the bra and came up with a plan.

I’d fantasized about this woman for nearly two years now, and I’d done it almost every night. That was a lot of imagining, and although I could see little glimpses of her nipples and breasts through the lace, I needed to know what they looked like bare.

On the way down, I reminded myself to take it slowly. Instead of going straight to the clasp, I watched her face as I pulled one side of the lace down before slowly lowering my eyes to the skin I’d revealed.

This time I didn’t hold back my groan. Jacinda’s tits weren’t huge, but the one I’d uncovered fit in my palm perfectly as I cupped it, the hard, tightened nipple digging into the center of my hand. Trailing my fingers slowly from the top of the orb, I circled the tip of my middle finger around the turgid peak, smiling when her whole body shuddered at the move.

“I’ve pictured you like this so many times,” I admitted, my voice sounding deeper than ever. “Nothing, not one of the mental images, did the reality justice. Does it still hurt from where the cork got it?”

“No,” she moaned, her knees tightening as they pressed into my sides. “Please, just do it already.”

Fuck no.

Not saying another word, I leaned down and sucked the nipple into my mouth, not giving her what she’d asked for, but at least I was giving her something. Using the hand I wasn’t leaning on to pull the other side of her bra down, I pinched the nipple of the newly bared tit between my thumb and forefinger, before rubbing them together and ratcheting up whatever was going on inside her body at that moment.

Her trembling hand went into the hair on the top of my head as I licked across the swell of her breast and down into the dip between them, then trailed it up to the neglected nipple.

This time, when I sucked it into my mouth, I did it on a deep pull that was strong enough to hollow my cheeks.

Her hand clenched, dragging her nails across my scalp as she swore. Yeah, I was going to drive her out of her mind and take the place of her vibrator.

With my right hand, I skimmed my fingers across her abdomen until I reached the waistband of her panties and stopped. Not lifting my mouth from her tit, I glanced up at her to see if she was with me on taking this a step further.
