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“If you could take your panties off and just scoot down the bed a bit, I’ll do it quickly and hopefully as painlessly as I can.”

In the background, she’d put on music, drums banging rhythmically while a guy chanted something. I had no idea what it was, but I was going to have to ask her afterward so I could download it. The rhythm and tempo made every muscle in my body relax, something that never happened.

Doing as she said, I folded my jeans and panties up and then hopped back up and scooted down, covering my face with my hands, and making her chuckle.

“Okay, let’s do it.” Those four words came out choked, and I had to force them out as I kept my knees clamped together.

“It won’t be as bad as you think. Honestly, it’s just a little pinch. I’ve done it to myself twice….”

Her reassurances were great, but now I was picturing not only Relly’s vagina, but her hunched over as she stuck a needle through herself. Fucking shit.

Six minutes later…

“Oh, shit, dick, motherfucking, ass licking, tit shitting, whale humping, moist box of Sataaaaaaaan!” I screamed, gripping the side of the bed, feeling the pink paper ripping in my fists.

She’d lied. The sweet older lady with the soothing music and amazing smelling room had lied out of her ass to me.

It wasn’t a pinch, not even close.

It was lava, acid, napalm on the clit. I’d never been in this much pain in my life, and I had my period once a month. That’s how sore this was.

“I’m gonna be sick,” I croaked, thumping my forehead with my fist, and only just feeling the shreds of what I assumed was the paper covering the bed I was still apparently clutching.

“You’re not going to be sick, sweetheart. That’s it over and done with, and in a few days, it’ll start to settle down, and you’ll feel better. After that, each day for the next couple of weeks will show you how worthwhile it was having it done.” Relly soothingly stroked her palm over the top of my head. “I’ll bet you come back to get a second one put in.”

“I’ll bet you a million dollars I don’t,” I assured her, swallowing loudly, and hoping the meager contents of my stomach didn’t come spraying out all over the room.

It smelled so good in here, and it’d be a shame for me to ruin it like she’d done to my vagina.

Chuckling, Relly turned away and began cleaning up whatever the hell she used to inflict this level of pain on unsuspecting victims.

Slowly, oh, so fucking slowly, I closed my legs, whimpering the whole time. There was no way I was going to survive this. It just wasn’t humanly possible.

“Relly, I don’t think this was a good idea. I can’t even sit up.”

“Yes, you can. Carefully spin, using the paper to slide you across the top of the bed, and hang your legs over the edge, Jacinda. You can do it.”

I believed her. I fucking fell for it again.

The scream that burst out of me reminded me of something I’d seen on a nature documentary, like foxes having sex or something like that.

“Esmerelda, is she okay?” Mace’s deep voice sounded from outside the door, making me want to die.

Well, I was already dying, but it was taking too long. My mortification could help it happen sooner, so maybe that was a good thing.

“Yeah, she’ll be out in a minute,” she shouted back, bringing my folded clothes to me, and laying them on the bed.

A minute? There was now a timeline for movement?

“I don’t think it’ll be a minute,” I gasped, dropping my head as I tried to get past the pain the latest movement had left me in. “More like a week.”

Instead of reassuring me again, she just chuckled.

“Please tell me there’s an aftercare pack with Morphine or Ketamine in it?”

“Oh, you don’t need that shit. Just follow the instructions on the leaflet I give you, keep it clean and dry, and put some of the stuff on it in the little bottle I’ll give you twice a day.”

Clean and dry? How the fuck do you do that?

In case you hadn’t figured it out, I’d just had the world’s most giant needle shoved through the hood of my clitoris. Now, I wasn’t a sloppy droppy down there, but keeping the area dry? Was I meant to walk around with a bandage on it to make sure that happened? The vagina was never technically dry, so how was I meant to accomplish that?

Whimpering again, I reached for what’d seemed like comfortable underwear only minutes ago but now seemed as appealing as ones made out of razor wire, and carefully pulled them up my legs. It was when they were about three inches away from my crotch that I started panting.
