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“Oh, hell no.”

I tried to get up, feeling pissed when I realized it meant losing his cock. But I had a point to make. I’d only just gotten halfway up his hard length, when his hand gripped my hip and he pulled me down as he thrust up into me.

“I love making you come, baby. Love feeling you tremble around me. How wet you get. How hot you feel.”

Well, if he put it that way.


Even though it was what he wanted to hear, Canon stopped all movements again. For the love of God, why did he keep doing that?

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I won’t use my toys—not that I have anyway—and I’ll tell you if I want to come.”

His fingers spasmed against my hip, and then he resumed his movements, literally fucking me until I couldn’t remember my name. By the time I came, I was one big puddle of sensations and felt sensitive all over. That didn’t mean I didn’t orgasm a second time when he told me to touch myself and come with him.

If that’s how this was going to work, I was all for it.

As we lay panting on the bed, facing each other, he pushed my hair out of my eyes. “Pleasure doing business with you, Miss Bandara.”

Snorting, I rolled my eyes. “The pleasure was all mine.”

Pulling me into him, he used his chin to get me to tilt my head back so he could kiss me. “No, your pleasure’s all mine. You promised.”

I’d been so afraid of living that I’d almost missed out on this. It blew my mind how many walls I’d had up and how much I’d isolated myself from my emotions.

But things were different now, and I was head over heels in love with the biggest pain in the ass ever known.

“When do you think you can get moved in?”

The happiness shining in Canon’s eyes made their dark green color all the more beautiful.

“I’ll start bringing a box over every day. I’ll pack up as much as I can and get my brothers to help me move it over on Saturday and Sunday. After that, it’s just a case of deciding what furniture to bring or donate. The realtor will probably prefer it being empty to sell it, anyway. It looks better in the photos when they list it online.”

Breezing my thumb over his cheekbone, I whispered, “It’s all coming together.”

“That it is, baby. Happiness is ours.”

He was so right about that.



Five months later…

It had to be said, both of my brothers’ wives’ pregnancies had gone smoothly. By the end of them, though, Katy had looked like all it’d take is a gust of wind for her to topple over, and Heidi had looked ready to kill any member of the male gender.

Our family dinners and Sunday brunches had changed to the point I hid behind Jacinda every time one of the crazy pregnant ladies was around. Each time they got me alone, they started telling me about vaginal pain, mucous plugs, shooting pains in ass holes, and whatever else they’d decided to torture us with that week.

And then today had happened.

Katy had come into Kleins, determined to act like nothing was wrong, until the last second when her water had broken. Fortunately, she’d been sitting in Bond’s chair because he was already at the hospital after Heidi had given birth just yesterday to a baby boy called Kingston.

We’d all been there, waiting for the moment my brother came out and told us the good news. Mom had taken one look at Kingston when we’d finally been allowed in and had burst into tears. Dad had held Nemi closer and introduced her to her brother, but my reaction had slipped out without me even realizing it.

The kid might have been small, but holy shit, he was a bruiser. The words, “I’m so sorry for your vagina,” had slipped out of me before I’d realized, making me feel like the world’s biggest dickhead. But I’d be damned if it wasn’t true.

Anyway, so after trying to get Jarrod and failing because no one was picking up the phone at the garage, I bundled Katy into the truck, having to lift her up when she couldn’t get her leg on the sidestep. It was just as well my collarbone had healed as well as it had five months ago, or I’d have had to boost her with my shoulders. Fortunately, I’d thought to put trash bags down on the seat along with a towel because that amniotic fluid was never ending.

After a quick drive to the garage, and frantically screaming as I held my free hand down on the horn while Katy tried to break the other one on a contraction, they’d all come out to see what was going on. My brother looked like he was going to faint, but then he’d manned up and had jumped in his SUV and followed behind us.
