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“Are you … are you seriously talking about building a house?”

“Not just any house. Your house. The house you drew up and gave me back when. Cade’s working on the plans but they’re pretty close to—”

“Keaton,” I said on a laugh edged with hysteria. “You can’t build me a house.”

“Can I build us a house?” The amusement on his face shifted to earnest hope as he dropped to one knee.

It was impossible to breathe—my ribs were locked, my heart still, my breath hanging somewhere in between.

With my hand in his, he looked up at me, his eyes deep and shining. “Everything abandoned deserves a new story, and you’re mine, Daisy Mae. I love you. More than anything on God’s earth, I love you. Marry me. Let’s write the rest of our story together.”

He let go of my hand to dig in his pocket for a ring box. He opened it in display. Inside was a a glittering diamond, exquisite and timeless, on a band of gold.

I stared at it, stunned, blinking to clear my eyes of tears that rolled down my face. I couldn’t speak, the silence stretching on in the absence of words.

Uncertain, Keaton’s brows knocked together. “I … was the house thing too much? I knew it was too—”

I flung myself at him, knocking both of us to the ground as he caught me. Our lips crashed together with the rest of us, and once the surprise ebbed, the kiss was a pliant possession, a sweet forever, a hundred thousand million yeses with a chorus of angels singing behind us.

He rolled, separating our lips. “Was that a yes?”

“That was an absolutely yes forever,” I said and kissed him again, both arms around his neck like a monkey.

Laughing, he separated us again. “Can I at least put the ring on you?”

My face shot open. “Oh my god, the ring. Did I knock it out of your hand?”

“Oh my god, the ring.”

His smile faded, and hurriedly, we got onto our hands and knees, patting around in the grass for the box which thankfully still had the ring inside.

He took it out with hands that made it look so small, then reached for my hand and slid it onto my ring finger.

“Now can I ravage you some more?”

With the happiest smile I’d ever seen in my life, he answered, “Yes, please.”

And so I did, right about in the spot where the kitchen table would one day be.
