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This right here was the itch under my skin I couldn’t let go. At least, part of it. Who knew what else I’d find?

“More like conducting sexual harassment,” I bit out.

“If you’re looking for a job, honey, get in line. I’ve got plenty of time for interviews,” he said, gripping his crotch.

A low growl vibrated behind me, and I knew Corbin was just as ready to snap. I took a threatening step forward, knowing this was my ground to stand, but appreciating the knowledge, I wasn’t as alone as I expected to be.

I appreciated even more that he let me be the one to take control.

“Fucking gross. Put your sad excuse for a dick away,” I sneered. “And you,” I added, stopping the woman as she tried to walk past undetected.

She brushed her hair behind her ear and carefully met my eyes from under her lashes. She looked terrified, and while I didn’t know if she offered to suck him off for a job or not, she didn’t look happy about it either way. And she obviously needed a job. “Leave your name and number with Camille at the bar. We’ll see about conducting a real interview if you’re interested.”

With a nod, she walked out, leaving me, Corbin, and fuck-face Charlie alone. Audra apparently jumped ship as soon as she could.

“Listen, bitch,” Charlie spat, finally tucked away. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you can’t come barging in, fucking with my business.”

My. Business.

I laughed. I outright laughed in his face before quickly sobering. “Three things, shit-stain,” I started, making my way toward the desk with one slow step at a time. I let my heels land with a clicking strike like the whip of a lash. “One, fuck you.” Click. Click. “Two, I’m Rose fucking Berkshire, and I own every goddamn thing in this place. That’s who I am.” Click. Click. “And three. You’re fucking fired.”

His jaw dropped with each proclamation until he was left sputtering for excuses.

Not bothering to waste another second with this douche canoe, I held up my hand, halting any more bullshit he could spew. “If I ever see you anywhere near here, I will castrate you and feed you your own balls. Only then will I call the cops and report you for the sick fuck you are.”

While I may have struggled with small talk and social niceties, I’d practiced eviscerating people in my mind since I was a teen, honing it through college to prepare myself to be a fucking boss.

Make up for size with strength and personality. Let them know you’re bigger than they could ever handle. Bigger than me.

“Wha-What?” Charlie stuttered, stumbling when he turned to keep me in his sight. “You can’t. You’re not in charge.”

I stroked my hand along the sleek wood desk, studying the soft swirling grain as I shored up my confidence. Because he wasn’t wrong, technically. I wasn’t in charge. Not until I forced Phillip to put his signature next to mine ceding all control, but he didn’t need to know that.

With an arrogant smile, I looked up under my lashes. “I am. The Berkshire was left to me. Therefore, I am the fucking boss.” Taking my time, my smile dropped, and my gaze hardened all over again. “So, I suggest you take your shit and go before I lose my patience and decide to castrate you instead.”

“Fuck you,” he shouted, trying to stand tall as he backed up toward the door. “You’re a fucking cunt.”

“Watch it,” Corbin threatened.

Charlie jumped when he realized how close he’d gotten to the man who stood there like a thundercloud. Corbin owned a billion-dollar company and a private jet, but right then, he loomed over Charlie like he could be part of the mafia and wouldn’t blink before killing you.

While he glared at Charlie the entire way out, I watched him, wondering if his adrenaline rose as high as mine. Imagining him slamming the door closed before storming back in and forcing his cock into my throat, promising all kinds of things if I made him come.

I was so lost in my fantasy that I jumped when the door slammed, thankfully managing to compose myself before Corbin turned to face me.

“You did great. I think my balls might have curled up in fear and it wasn’t even directed at me.”

Somehow, a laugh burst free—completely unexpected and consuming, causing my eyes to water. It wasn’t quite the dirty fantasy I imagined, but it at least burned through a bit of the adrenaline. He joined in, and I couldn’t remember the last time I laughed out loud with someone. This night was fucking crazy—a swinging pendulum of emotions.

Once we finally calmed, we both took a deep breath.

“So, now what?” he asked.

“Now, I grab as many files as I can, download some of the rest, and shut it down.”
