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“Well, he’s not fucking here,” she snapped back.

“It doesn’t matter. He trusted me to take care of you. Not give in to your childish whims and fuck you,” I lashed out when she didn’t back down as I expected.

“I’m not childish.” She rose, standing over me, the pleading submissive long gone, leaving behind a regal queen putting me in my place. “But if you want to be a prick about it, then fine. Enjoy your fucking blue balls.” She made it all the way to the entrance of the room before turning back with a devious smirk. “I’ll be upstairs enjoying my porn, rubbing at my clit, pinching my little nipples until I bury my fingers inside my tight, wet cunt.” Her smirk grew to a sinister smile. “And I am tight, Corbin. So tight you’d have to pin me down and force your way inside. I’d beg you to stop because you’re too big for my little pussy, but you’d keep going because it’d be yours to take.”

Any second now, I was going to pass out from all the blood flooding my cock, making it harder than I’d ever felt before.

“If only you were man enough to actually take it.”

I bared my teeth and growled like an animal.

Not that she saw.

She delivered her parting shot and left without wasting another second on me.

After jerking myself off right then and there, I ambled my way up to bed, my jaw aching from how tight I kept it clenched.

Lying in bed, images of her words played like their own porn in my mind, making me so hard, I had to jerk off again just to relax enough to sleep. Right before I faded off, I promised myself I’d follow her lead and not waste another second on her either.

Even if I knew I’d fail, I at least had to try.

Chapter Six


Dear Miss Berkshire,

* * *

I’m glad to hear that you graduated from college. Such a momentous occasion in a young girl’s life. As per your email, and the many before that, I know you want to take an interest in your father’s assets. I understand that with your business degree, you believe you are ready to take on such a big responsibility. However, I think it is in the best interest of his companies that maybe you take a more understated role and learn from your elders.

Also, I’ve noticed most of your interest pertains to The Berkshire. I’m sure the escort club sounds exciting, but no place for a lady of your stature, as I’m sure your father would agree if he were here.

While you take the time to gain experience, I will happily remain in the role your father entrusted me with before his passing. As for the finances and The Berkshire, there’s no need to worry your young mind with such tasks when we have people to do it for you. Which is why I haven’t attached any of the files you requested. Maybe we can go over them together, and I can explain the ins and outs of such a large conglomeration of businesses the next time we get together.

I know you were wanting a meeting soon, but unfortunately, I am traveling for work for the next couple of days and will be very busy with meetings when I get back. Maybe we can schedule a time to review the reports and what they mean in a few months once you have that experience we discussed.

Until then, I’ll pass your information on to Larry Felding at Berkshire Shipping. I’m sure he can find a suitable position for a young graduate woman like yourself.

* * *


* * *

Phillip Gamish

Acting CEO of Berkshire Holdings

* * *

“More like Phillip-fuckface-asswipe-Gamish,” I muttered, sneering at the email like I could set it on fire and delete it from existence. Except, I didn’t want to do that since it was on my phone. Instead, I settled on tossing it to the other side of the couch.

I laid back, closed my eyes, and took deep, steady breaths, trying to find some sort of calm. But, apparently, the most condescending email to ever exist had imprinted itself in my memory and continued to taunt me from the back of my lids.

He may as well have patted me on the head while he cooed what a good girl I was.

Open fists. Close fists.

Relax the jaw.

Another deep breath.

None of it helped. None of it made the hot pulsing anger slow down. Recalling each line of the email only cranked the heat up higher until I thought I would burst.

I jolted up from the couch, stomping out of the living room and across the kitchen. My feet smacking the floor didn’t match the sound of my anger, so after flinging the door to the back open, I slammed it hard behind me. The glistening lights swayed under the gentle movement of the water, calling my name under the night sky.
