Page 10 of The Invitation

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The fact that he had the power to pull these kinds of strings at the drop of a hat… My dick twitched.

“You’ll have to play the part of a grieving lover.” Then he fisted me, his grip firm, commanding.

Tobias Benton was my torment and salvation, and I hated him as much as I craved him.

“You may even have to kill him, Preston.”

“I’m not above killing.” I could barely form coherent speech due to the pent up want finally being released.

“I know…” he said, twisting his way up my shaft. “Your dark harbinger is one thing I find undeniably irresistible about you.”

He went harder, faster, edging me with a hint of pain until his fist pounded the underside of the table and caused the dishes to rattle.

The strength of his fingers, his voice, the risk of getting caught… It all sent me hurtling toward the edge of climax faster than I ever had before.

My balls tightened as pleasure tore up my spine in a heated blaze. I bit the inside of my cheek and swallowed back the groan my body wanted to release as I came hard, all over Tobias’s fist.

“How very satisfying,” he said as he lifted his hand, licking my sticky come from his fingers like it was a decadent dessert.

The dark, sordid fantasies that only ever lingered in the shadows of my mind were now very much in the light.

I wanted Tobias Benton to possess me, and given our situation, that was foolish.

Later that evening, Tobias dropped me off at my dorm with the promise that he’d be in touch.

The black town car rolled away, leaving me on the curb in a state of confusion.

Last night, he all but held me captive, and now he was leaving me here. Just like that?

A sense of foreboding crept through me.

The police now had that body with my DNA all over it.

Was I really that naïve to trust a maniac to cover up a murder for me? What reason would he have to go to such lengths?

Regardless, it was a ticking bomb waiting to blow up in my face, and Tobias Benton held the detonator. So far, the only thing I’d done to stop him from pressing it… suck his dick.

I went into the dorm, ignoring the posters of Leah tacked to every bulletin board on my way to my room.

The moment I closed the door behind me, I grabbed the bottle of bourbon from my dresser drawer and chugged it.

I drank until my vision crossed and I collapsed back on my bed.

This was beyond fucked up and I was beyond fucked.

* * *

The next morning, I woke with a start to someone pounding on my door.

I groggily glanced at my phone, groaning when I realized it was only nine in the morning.

Another series of knocks rattled the door.

“I’m coming,” I said as I slipped into a pair of track pants.

I yanked the door open and the dorm’s RA quickly stepped to the side, revealing two police officers.

Shit. I fought to keep my racing heart under control and schooled my features into a frown. The sight of police at someone’s door would concern anyone, right? Not just murderers.

“Mr Lucas, we need you to come down to the station and answer some questions about Leah Andrews.”

I knew this would come at some point. I was her boyfriend, the last person to be seen with her, and undoubtedly, a suspect.

“Of course. Anything I can do to help find her...”

When they told me they’d found a body, I would paint myself as the grieving boyfriend, heartbroken at the death of my only love. And hope like hell that Tobias actually kept his word and pinned this on someone.

Either way, my fate was firmly in his psychotic hands.



Right on time, at half past noon, the elevator doors to my penthouse slid open to reveal a fairly shaken Preston.

I must say, seeing him rattled sent a slight blip of joy through me.

He glared at me as he crossed the room and headed toward the window.

I’m sure these little mind games of mine were wearing on him. They were meant to. Destabilization was key in manipulation—making the person feel as though they had no control, and I had all of it, which I did.

I always would when it came to Preston, until he gave in that was. Then I’d share the power, almost equally.

“Did you have a good morning?” I asked.

“You fucking know I didn’t.”

“How would I know, Preston?”

“Because you know everything, Tobias. You orchestrate every damn thing.” He dragged a hand through his golden hair, his agitation clear.

“Do I?” I smirked.

“Fuck!” He punched the glass. “Are you going to fuck me over?”

Tsking, I gave a dismissive glance at the bloody knuckle prints left on my otherwise pristine window. “Such a temper…”

“They just took a DNA sample, Tobias. My DNA is all over her.” He paced in front of the glass.
