Page 1 of Forever, Always

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The bell sounds, signaling the end of our junior year. I’ve never been more excited for the summer. I’ve got big plans this year, and I’m not going to let anything—or anyone, for that matter—stand in the way of them.

“Thank God, this year is over,” Lucy, one of my best friends since kindergarten, says from my left as we gather our stuff from our desks and shove everything in our backpacks.

“I am so pumped it’s finally summer. And we’ll be seniors at the end, so it won’t even be sad when summer’s over.”

“So true!” Lucy says as we walk out of the classroom toward our lockers. Sara and Natalie, our other best friends, are standing at my locker, waiting for us to leave.

“You guys are so slow,” Natalie groans.

“Not all of us got to end our day in gym,” Lucy quips.


“Are we still hanging at your pool, Lucy?” Before she can answer my question, the air shifts, and I swear, I know the moment his eyes land on me.

I slowly turn around, my gaze immediately landing on Todd Montgomery. He’s the star of every one of my fantasies, and more than likely, the star of every other female’s fantasies at Sonoma High as well.

His black hair and dark eyes scream bad boy. Then you add in the black leather jacket he wears, and I have to fight a groan every time he’s close to me. He also smells like spicy cologne, which makes the entire package swoon-worthy.

“We going to the pool?” Cooper asks, his amber eyes shining with excitement. Todd, Cooper, and Cooper’s younger brother, Levi, round out our group of friends.

“If everyone wants to come over, I’d be down,” Lucy says, shrugging her shoulders.

My eyes catch Todd’s, and his intense stare flows through me. Every thought I had in my head flits away like some airhead bimbo. It’s maddening how easily he can affect me, turning me into someone I don’t want to be.

What’s worse is he’s never once indicated he’s interested in me. Even if he did, acting on it could mess up our group dynamics. We’ve been friends for so long that if we got together now, it could drastically change everything. I’m not sure I’d want to risk it when I’m not even sure he feels the same way about me.

“I’m down, you good to hang, Todd?”

“Sure.” His deep voice rumbles into the air like the motorbike he drives, making everything in me tighten. I clench my teeth, trying to get my body under control. They always say guys can’t control their hormones, but what they don’t tell you is girls have the exact same problem. We’re just better at hiding it.

“Okay, why don’t we go change, then meet at Lucy’s?” Natalie suggests, and the group disperses once we’re in agreement. I pack up the contents of my locker, making sure I don’t forget anything, then hoist my heavy backpack onto my shoulder.

“Here, let me,” Todd says from behind me, making me jump.

He pulls my backpack from my shoulders and slings it over his arm, making it look like it’s empty.

“Thanks,” I respond, managing to keep my voice from sounding breathy. I refuse to be the girl who fawns at the feet of the popular football star. I may be the cheerleading captain and look like a Barbie, but that’s where the stereotype ends. I’m going to med school. I’ve already got the grades to get me there. I just have to push through one more year.

Todd walks next to me, escorting me out to the parking lot. My red Pontiac Grand Am gleams in the sunshine, and when I unlock my doors, the headlights flash. Taking a deep breath to steel my nerves, I turn to get my backpack from Todd.

His dark eyes are focused solely on me, the impact effectively knocking the breath right back out of me. Sometimes, I wish I was a little less passive because I want to punch him. Or kiss him. Either one would work.

I flick my gaze back up to his, realizing I was staring at his mouth.

“Thanks for helping carry my backpack.” I swear, the stupidity that flows out of my mouth around him… I grit my teeth to keep from rolling my eyes at myself.

His lips curl into my favorite smirk as he hands me my bag. “No problem.”

“I’ll see you at Lucy’s?”

He nods.

I wish he’d say more than the one or two-word phrases he always uses. Cooper has told us he frequently talks in full sentences when it’s just the two of them. I’m not sure I believe him. But, I will say, the minimal phrases make Todd seem way more mysterious while also making him frustratingly hard to read. I, on the other hand, am an open book with hearts in my eyes every time I look at him.

It’s how I know he doesn’t have any feelings for me.

Everyone knows I have a crush on him, but since he’s never asked me out or made any sort of gesture indicating he might return those feelings, I’ve given up on the idea of us ever being more than friends.

That’s why I’ve got big plans this summer. I’m almost eighteen and have never had a boyfriend. My stupid crush on Todd has held me back, so I’m going to go on some dates, see if I can move on. The girls are all on board with this plan since they’re also single.

“Okay, I’ll see you later then,” I say with a wave while getting into my car. Todd steps back, staying on the sidewalk to watch me back out. He’s always been protective of us girls. Even when we were little, he would step in if someone was being mean or if we needed help doing something.

We were twelve when I fell in love with Todd. I’ll never forget the moment I truly saw him. I don’t think he even knows I was there.

Walking from the bathroom, the hallways are empty while everyone is in class. I hear voices coming from the next hallway over, so I creep around the corner to see what’s going on.

Brad Hughes is hovering over someone in a wheelchair. His back is to me, but I’m pretty sure it’s Tanner. Brad says something and pushes Tanner’s wheelchair. I’m about to run down the hallway to make him stop when I see Todd come around the corner at the other end.

He takes in the scene and rushes towards Tanner, getting in Brad’s face. Anger twists Todd’s features, making him look intimidating. With their loud, angry voices, I’m able to hear everything they’re saying.

Todd shoves Brad. “Back off, or I’ll make you.”

“You won’t do anything.” Brad turns to taunt Tanner again when suddenly, Todd punches Brad in the nose. I gasp at the sudden violence, then clamp my hand over my mouth so they don’t hear me.

“I told you to leave him alone. Do it again, and I’ll make it worse,” Todd says, his tone menacing, even at twelve years old. He turns toward Tanner to say something I can’t hear, then walks behind Tanner’s chair to push him down the hall, away from where I’m standing.

I should’ve beenafraid of the violence, but Todd fending off a bully instead of walking the other way showed me who he was on the inside. No one had stood up to Brad before. Most people were too afraid to do anything, except for Todd. He became my hero. Then I began noticing him doing stuff like that all the time.

After I started paying more attention, I fell even harder for him. Now, I’m stuck with my unrequited love. I hate it.

So, I’m going to do what I can to change it. Maybe I’ll fall for a different guy this summer, make Todd seem like a silly, childhood crush.

I pull into the driveway of my house and see my mom outside, working on her flower garden. It was one of my favorite things to do with her when I was little. I hope when I have a house, I can grow a garden as pretty as Mom’s with my own kiddo.

“Hey, Momma!” I call out as I get out of the car with my bag draped over my arm.

“Hey, baby girl. How was your last day?”

“Great. Is it okay if I go over to Lucy’s? The group is meeting there to swim in her pool.”

“Of course. Go have fun,” she says. I give her a kiss on her cheek before walking through the front door.

I quickly run up to my room and drop my bags on my floor. For a teenager, I keep my room pretty clean, even though I struggle with putting my clothes away. There’s usually a pile in my white, tufted chair in the corner.

At least I keep them off my floor.

My room has light pink walls and white furniture. It’s still very princess-y from when I was a little girl, but I can’t bring myself to change it.

Changing into my swimsuit and cover-up, I grab my purse, then head back out to my car. After sending my mom a wave, I drive to Lucy’s house.

I mentally prepare myself to see Todd shirtless, willing my hormones to stay under control. No matter how many times I see him in a swimsuit, I still have to use every ounce of effort not to stare at him.

This is why I’ve got to find a new guy to crush on this summer. I’m determined to do it. I have to for the sake of my sanity.
