Page 15 of Forever, Always

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The chime of the bell echoes through the hallways, signaling the end of our first day of senior year. I can’t quite wrap my head around this being my last year of high school. I’m pumped to finally move on from the minutiae of homework, tests, and lectures, though.

I never thought college was for me, despite Mom pushing me to go. I’ve always known we’d never be able to afford it, so going to the academy instead was the best option. The problem I’m having now is knowing I could make a better salary if I go to college first.

After the cancer scare with Megan, I realized she’s the one for me. She’s my forever. The threat of losing her put a lot of things into perspective, and if I’m going to marry her one day, I need to make sure I can provide the perfect life for her. One where she can have everything she needs or desires. Going to college would help provide that life.

Cooper and I walk out of the classroom toward our lockers. I need to see my girl before I head to football practice.

It’s been a few weeks since her surgery, and having her back to her normal, happy, outgoing self has been a balm to my nerves. Seeing her in a hospital bed, looking so small, was excruciating. I’m glad the whole thing is over with now.

I see Megan standing by her locker, backpack hanging on her shoulders, her head thrown back in laughter. I sneak up behind her to wrap my arms around her slim shoulders. Her head tips back while her blue eyes spear mine with all of the love in the world. I’m the luckiest bastard to have her in my arms.

“Hi, there.” She smiles. I can’t help myself and lean down to kiss her sweet lips. I keep it short since we’re still at school. I’d rather not get chastised for making out in the hallways.

I grin at her dazed expression. “Hi. Do you have practice today?”

“Yep, I’ll meet you at the gym after?”

“Sounds good.” I lean down to kiss her one more time, then head to practice with Cooper.

* * *

I am sweaty and exhausted.Practice was brutal. I think this year may just be our best year yet. With a great group of guys on the team, I’m looking forward to what we’ll be able to accomplish together. It would be amazing to get a championship since this will be my last season.

Once I’m cleaned up, I leave the locker room to head for the gym where the cheerleaders practice. I hope they’re about done because I want some alone time with my girl before she has to go home. I’m going to miss being able to hang out whenever we want to like we could during the summer.

Meg’s already warned me she’s going to be busy with studying and cheerleading. She works incredibly hard to keep her grades up, even though she’s smarter than the whole class. She told me she wants to go to medical school in the future. Between her brains and overall personality, I know she’d make a great doctor.

I step into the gym, thanking the Lord for air conditioning. Megan is across the floor, talking to a few of her teammates. It looks like they’re done with practice as well, which makes me internally fist pump.

Her teammates walk away from her, saying a quick goodbye. When they’re gone, Meg blows out a deep breath while her fingers rub her forehead. I wonder if she’s got a headache or something. I hope she’s still up for hanging out tonight.

I walk towards her as she gathers her stuff, calling her name so I don’t scare the crap out of her. “Megan.”

She turns around quickly, a smile stretching across her face. It’s like my world becomes right again with only her smile.

“Hey, babe.” She picks up her duffle bag then meets me across the floor, wrapping her arms around my neck in a consuming hug.

“You doing okay?” I ask, pressing a kiss to her head.

“Of course, can we go get milkshakes? I’m dying for some ice cream.” She grins at me.


We walk hand in hand out to her car, and I drive us to the diner. The whole way, Meg is quiet, which is a little odd. Normally, she chatters away about everything. After parking, I grab her hand to stop her from getting out of the car.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I can’t keep myself from asking again because she’s not acting normal. “If you’re not feeling good, I can take you home.”

“I’m okay. Promise. Now let’s get those milkshakes.” She smiles at me, but for the first time, it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. I guess I can’t force her to tell me what’s going on, so I kiss her hand and jump out of the car.

After we’ve gotten our shakes, we slide into one of the bright red booths in Jones’s Diner. Megan seems perkier than she was in the car a few minutes ago, her smile lighting up her eyes again. I wonder if I was reading her wrong.

As we drink our shakes, we talk about everything, how our first days at school went, what we hope the year will be like, even about the football team’s chance of going to the championships.

The only thing we don’t talk about is what happens at the end of the year. I’m scared to bring it up, and it doesn’t seem like Megan wants to talk about it right now, either. I mean, we have months to figure it out, so it’s not like we need a plan right now.

We’ll talk about it when the time is right. When we both know what our futures hold.

Once we’re finished with our shakes, Megan says she needs to get home to start on her AP reading assignments. Knowing Meg’s ambitions, I understand her need to stay on top of things. Doesn’t make it any easier to give up my time with her, though.

I drive us back to the gym and kiss Meg goodbye. Hopping on my bike, I head home, too. For the first time, I’m excited for the school year instead of dreading it.

Having the girl of my dreams on my arm has made things significantly better for me.
