Page 17 of Forever, Always

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The cheers of the crowd echo through the tunnel as the team prepares to run out onto the field. Our first home game of the season is always loud and intense as the town gets pumped up for the season. We’ve started the season off strong, winning the last two games, but we’re playing our biggest rivals tonight, making the motivation to keep the streak going even higher.

It’s still a little weird knowing this is my last season with the team. It’s also probably the last season of football I’ll ever play competitively. Even though I’m a decent player, I’m not some all-star who will go to college on a scholarship.

Coach yells out for us to take the field, and we take off at a sprint. The crowd screams, spurring on our adrenaline, creating an electric atmosphere that’s almost palpable. It’s pulsing through me, my heart pumping hard to keep up with the energy.

I love home games.

We start our warmups, getting a good look at the other team. I try to scope out each player to find the ones who aren’t quite on their game. As the captain and quarterback, I have to give our team the best chance at success. Finding the other team’s weakest links will ensure my guys know who to exploit, giving us the upper hand.

I’ve always been analytical like this. Evaluating each moment in life until every potential outcome has been considered. It’s made me pretty unemotional, which Meg teases me about frequently.

As my mind drifts to my girl, I seek her out on the sidelines. She’s standing on the track, surrounded by her team, cheering her heart out. Her tight uniform highlights her perfect body, and I force myself to look away. I need to focus on the game, not how badly I want my hands on the silky skin of her stomach peeking out of her short cheer top.

The shrill pitch of the whistle sets off the pregame jitters in my stomach as the team huddles up on the side of the field. Cooper and I walk out to the middle, meeting the referee as well as two guys from the opposing team.

The toss of the coin begins the game, and we’re off, playing our hearts out in the hopes of proving to our town we’re capable of greatness.

It’s a battle of wills, and by halftime, we’re tied, fourteen to fourteen. The whistle sounds, indicating the break, and we race off the field for a much-needed rest before the game begins again.

I sneak another look at Meg on the sidelines. She’s sitting on the side of the track with her head between her legs while Lucy rubs her back. The press of the guys running behind me forces me to keep going before I’m able to figure out what’s going on.

I hope she’s okay. I hate that I can’t get to her right now or find out what’s happening until after the game. I can only be glad Lucy is with her. I’d imagine her parents are out there, too. They’ll take care of her.

My mental pep talk helps me focus back on the game. Coach’s speech encourages us to keep fighting hard, even if it feels like we’re not getting anywhere. After we’re rested and pumped up to win, we sprint back onto the field to finish the last half of the game. I keep my focus on the plays, doing my best not to wonder about Megan. We’re up by a touchdown in the fourth quarter, playing the best game we have all season. As the minutes tick by, I start wishing for the clock to move faster. I want this game to be over so I can go check on my girl. It’s killing me not knowing what’s going on.

It feels like it takes hours for the last quarter to end, with us winning by a touchdown. The team races off the field to the locker room, hyped up from the win. All I can focus on is getting out of there as quickly as I can. Once I’m showered and dressed, I sling my duffle bag over my shoulder, ready to leave. Back onto the field, I head toward the cheerleaders who are still hanging around to ask them where Megan went.

Apparently, she went home after fainting during the game. Fear spikes through my system as I run through all of the scenarios of why it happened. I won’t be able to let it go until I see she’s okay for myself.

I secure my duffle to the seat on my bike and then race out of the lot, heading toward Meg’s house. I don’t even come close to driving safely tonight. I pull into the driveway, jump off my bike, and sprint up the steps. My knock is not gentle, and Mrs. Thompson answers the door with a confused expression on her face. When she sees it’s me, it morphs into a smile that helps me relax a little. If something were seriously wrong with Megan, she wouldn’t be smiling, right?

“Hi, Mrs. Thompson. I was wondering if I could check on Megan. I heard she got sick during the game.”

“Of course, Todd. Come on in.”

I step through the doorway, searching the living room for Meg.

“She’s up in her room. You can go on up and say hi,” Mrs. Thompson says. I nod my head in thanks.

Once I’m up the steps, I peek my head around the frame of Meg’s doorway. She’s lying up against her headboard with a mountain of pillows surrounding her. She’s reading a book, a thick blanket cocooning her body, while a heavy sweater is draped around her small frame. She looks weak, frail. I don’t understand what’s going on.

“Hi,” I squeak out.

At the sound of my voice, Meg’s head whips up. A small smile pulls at her lips, but her eyes look sad.

“Hi.” Her response is quiet as I step into her room, sitting on the edge of the bed next to her.

“I heard you got sick tonight. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I did.” She looks down at her hands, twining her fingers together over and over.

“Meg, what’s going on?” My voice is weak. I know I’m not ready to hear the answer to my question.

She looks up at me, tears swimming in her eyes as her words stop my heart.

“I have cancer.”
