Page 18 of CADE & ANNA

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“Okay, I can do that.” Cade turned to Simon and Stefan. “Either of you available tomorrow?”

Simon shrugged. “I’ll have to check with Rose to see if she made plans.

“Not me. I’m helping El at the ranch.”

“I guess that leaves you and me, Thomas.”

Thomas grinned at his uncles. “We don’t need those two lunkheads anyway.”

“Watch it, squirt,” Stefan mock growled.

The men had half of the mess cleaned up and hidden in the garage when Anna walked in and stopped in her tracks.

Chapter 5

“What did you do now?” Anna growled low in her throat and her fangs extended as she eyed the mess on the nursery floor.

“Aw, hell,” Cade murmured to himself. “Mon amour, how was your day at the spa?” he asked loud enough for her to hear, trying to change the subject.

“Don’t mon amour me, Cade Le Beau. You better tell me what you’re up to, and you’d better be quick about it.”

Simon cleared his throat nervously. “I better get home to Rose.” Quietly, he slipped passed a very angry, red-faced Anna.

Stefan hesitated as he tried to think of a plausible excuse. Nothing came to mind. “I should get home, too.” He hurriedly followed Simon to safety.

“I’ll leave you to this.” Thomas attempted to escape with his uncles.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” Anna snarled as she grabbed him by the ear. “In the living room, both of you.”

“Geez, Mom, that hurts,” Thomas whined as his mother pulled him by the ear to the living room and dumped him on the couch.

Cade quietly followed, his head hanging low like a whipped pup.

Anna growled through clenched teeth with her arms crossed and toe tapping an irritated rhythm. “Explain.”

“I wanted to make up for the painting disaster by getting the nursery furniture,” Cade mumbled almost inaudibly.

“Yeah, the guys were putting together the crib and stuff while I was installing the new security system.”

“The new what!” Anna screeched.

“Cade wanted one of those video baby monitors so you could see and hear the baby. But those can be hacked and pose a major security risk, so I installed a new system,” Thomas announced with a proud smile.

She pointed at Cade. “I’ll get back to the furniture in a minute.” Then she turned her fury on Thomas. “You had better explain this system, in detail.”

“I have cameras to cover the interior of the house that are monitored from the main security office and a separate camera in the nursery that you and Cade will monitor on your tablet or smartphone.”

“Are you telling me you put cameras all over my house?” Anna’s screech was becoming more shrill by the second as she scanned the room for cameras. “Hell to the no! Remove that immediately!” she demanded, pointing at the camera near the ceiling.

“Mom, my baby sister is going to be the queen someday and will be a prime target for abduction. We need to protect her,” Thomas argued.

“You can protect her from the exterior of the home. Get these out of here before you leave tonight.”

“Well, at least use the nursery camera,” Thomas whined like a child being denied a new toy. “It will work just like a high-end baby monitor, but is on a secure network and can’t be hacked.”

Anna thought about that for a minute and then said, “That’s the first thing you’ve said so far that makes sense. Leave the one in the nursery but get started taking the rest down.”

Thomas harrumphed as he left the room to undo all his hard work, leaving Cade alone with his still angry mate.

“I’m sorry, cher. It looks like I screwed up again. I’m only trying to help and be involved. Is that really so bad?” Cade’s expression was so downtrodden, it broke her heart.

“No, it’s not a bad thing. You just need to go about being involved ‘with’ me and not ‘for’ me. Do you understand? I need to be consulted and given the option of doing these things with you.”

Cade nodded as he listened to her; she was making a valid point. He had gone about it completely wrong. Then his lips twitched, and he chuckled. “We really made a mess of putting the furniture together. Three extremely smart men and we were helpless.”

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