Page 26 of CADE & ANNA

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Anna was ready to object when El raised her voice. “I think as shifters ourselves, we’re able to handle anything that arises. Between myself, Rose, Emma, Julia, and Krystal, we can keep Anna safe and out of trouble.”

She put her hand on Cade’s arm and nodded her agreement, holding his gaze.

Isaac turned to Emma. “I don’t like it, but it’s your call.”

Emma gave the women a good, hard look ending with Anna, who gave her a tiny nod. “I think we will be fine. Besides in about six hours Jack and Michael will be here.”

Cade squeezed Anna’s hand on his arm. “I will abide by your decision; please make sure it’s a safe one.”

Anna looked over the group of men; it was plain as day which men were mated with women staying behind. But they would never go against their king and queen.

The women quietly watched as Lucas formed the men into teams before kissing their mates goodbye and walking to the bar.

Anna followed Julia to The Backwater. The instant she saw the interior her mouth dropped open. The entire place was stripped bare. But there was still glass, spilled liquor, and debris everywhere. She’d never seen such a mess.

El’s growl had Anna’s wolf raising its hackles. “Damn, they really did a number on the place.”

Julia sighed sadly. “You should have seen it yesterday.”

Anna could tell from the stiffening of her spine she fought tears again.

Gently, Emma put an arm around Julia’s shoulders. “We’ll have it better than new in a jiffy.”

“I know,” Julia shrugged. “The one bonus is Logan can decorate any way he wants now.”

Rose cocked her head. “Why is he decorating your bar?”

“I’m selling out to him and living with Tommy at the plantation. It’s too far to travel by boat each day to continue operating it myself.”

Anna squealed with excitement; she’d been worried about how Thomas and Julia would manage her running the bar and him as head of security. Her incredible daughter-in-law was taking care of the problem in a very noble way. She couldn’t have been more proud to be her mother-in-law.

Julia carried the only remaining chair to the grass just outside. “Anna, I am assigning you as lookout.” Then she grinned at Anna and watched her waddle toward her. “I won’t have my mother-in-law delivering my baby sister-in-law on top of the bar.”

Anna shook her head at Julia and chuckled. “As huge as I am, I wouldn’t make it to the top of the bar. I would have to deliver on the floor.”

“Goddess! Don’t even think it.” Julia held her hand to her heart, laughing.

Shortly after Julia seated her on the chair, she watched as wolves of every color slipped into the trees sniffing, searching for a trail to follow. Cade’s handsome black and silver wolf turned and loped to her.

He laid his head in her lap for a moment and licked her hand before trotting after the rest of the men. A cloud of his warm chocolate and fresh baked bread scent swirled around her as if staying behind to guard her.

Anna checked her watch for the twentieth time and sighed. Only thirty minutes had passed, but it felt like hours. She stood to stretch her back when the glint of a boat docking caught her eye.

“What are you doing here? You can’t be here!” She screamed.

As if from a distance, she heard Emma’s voice from inside the bar. “Who’s out there, cher?”

She was shaking so badly her teeth rattled. “Tim!” she yelled before he grabbed her and slammed his hand over her mouth.


Cade’s heart lurched in his chest. Something was very wrong with Anna; he could feel her terror. In the same instant, he saw Thomas spin to face the direction of The Backwater. Thomas shifted and tore off like a bat out of hell with him right on his tail.


Cade! Help me!

What happened? Are you hurt? Is it the baby?

Tim! He’s here! How is he here?

Fuck! I’m coming, mon amour.

Hurry, he has a gun.

His wolf stumbled at the possibility of its mate shot and bleeding.

Anna was in trouble. Shit, he had known better. A few of the men should have remained behind. He should have insisted. Damn it all to hell!

He and his wolf pushed themselves to their limit, trying to reach their mate. Her fear was ripping him to shreds.

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