Page 37 of CADE & ANNA

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He watched her closely for signs of stress. “What do real contractions feel like?”

“It’s been a long time, but the best way I can describe it to you is a charley horse times a thousand.”

He sat back and breathed easier, the pain he’d felt wasn’t anything close to that.

They were both quietly reading again when another one hit. This one was harder and longer than any he had experienced.

Anna saw and smelled his alarm. “Okay, before you panic, I’m going to time them. If they are sporadic, it’s nothing. If there is a pattern, we’re in trouble.”

Cade stared at her, barely blinking, his wolf on high alert for the next twenty minutes. She felt like a pot he was waiting to boil. When no pain came, he started to relax. Too soon. Another contraction gripped their bodies.

He didn’t trust his voice to not shake so he waited for her to offer the verdict. Impatiently, he ran both hands through his hair until it was utterly wild.

Anna breathed through it and checked her watch. “That was twenty minutes. Now, before you freak out, we need to time the next few to see if they remain steady,” she said everything evenly and matter-of-factly to keep him calm. He looked like he was about to have an anxiety attack.

When she had three consecutive twenty-minute pains, he knew they were doomed. His wolf, who was normally a powerful, undefeatable warrior, slunk off to whine in the corner of his mind. Chicken shit.

Cade took a few calming breaths, unable to think straight. “We need to be ready for this, in case the storm doesn’t let up.” He paced down the hall and back. “All right, give me a minute. I remember reading several stories where they had an emergency birth.”

When the next contraction started, she checked her watch and timed it. They were still steady at twenty minutes.

After she had written the time and length down, she checked on Cade. He was being much too quiet. “Babe? You okay? You're very pale.”

“How do women survive childbirth and not die?” He panted holding his stomach.

Anna covered her mouth and tried not to laugh, she really did, but he looked mortified and had no idea what his future held. “Sweetheart that was small potatoes compared to what it's going to be like in a couple hours. Maybe you should sit for the next one?”

“I need to get some things together first. Let's see,” he tapped his chin, “I'll boil water and sanitize the scissors for cutting the cord.”

He was talking to himself in an effort to remain calm more than anything else. While the water heated, he began making a small warming bed. It was really nothing more than a plastic storage container lined with towels. He clipped a lamp on the edge to act as a heat source when the electricity came online.

Anna watched him as he systematically made a list of things he would need and then went in search of adequate substitutes.

When the next contraction hit, he sucked in a shocked breath and gripped the edge of the kitchen counter like it was a lifeline. Scrubbing his fingers through his hair, he straightened. The contraction had eased, and he was able to breathe again.

Panting, he glanced her way, worry etching his handsome face. “How we doing, cher?”

“Good, they haven’t gotten closer, so we still have a while yet.”

He scowled as he read his list again. “I don't have an umbilical cord clamp.” Hands on hips, he looked around the kitchen. “I wonder it the twist tie from the loaf of bread would work?”

Terrified, he would do something wrong, he reached for his phone to call the doctor. “Dammit! I have the doctor’s emergency number in my cell phone, but I have no battery left.”

“You'll just have to be my knight in shining armor. Don't worry; babies are tougher than you think. We'll get through this. Besides, think of the stories you will have to tell.”

Suddenly Cade shouted excitedly. “My dad! I can talk to him telepathically.”

Anna looked at him skeptically. “Isaac knows how to birth a baby?”

“No. But Mom is with him, and she has delivered tons of them.”

Dad? Can you hear me?

She watched as he concentrated. It looked like the distance was a problem.


Thank Goddess! I need your help.

What’s wrong?
