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She was indulging in what had become an obsession, driving herself insane again wondering if he’d ever really loved her and if she’d

killed his love, or if he’d discovered he didn’t feel enough for her after all, when her doorbell rang.

Since everyone called before passing by, the hope that it was Antonio propelled her to the door the fastest she’d moved since the accident.

But it wasn’t him on her doorstep. It was Sofia Accardi.

After exchanging a long stare, Lili stunned and disappointed, Sofia discomfited and tentative, Lili invited her in. Questions flooded her mind, all about Antonio. Instead of asking them, she awkwardly offered Sofia something to drink.

Over a cup of tea, Sofia finally started talking. “I would have come earlier, but Antonio said you needed space.”

Was that what he thought? Was that why he hadn’t attempted to contact her?

“He also said you’re healed completely.”

“” Physically, at least. “Antonio is a virtuoso. Even my scars are negligible, and fading every day.”

An exquisite smile adorned the woman’s gorgeous face, which now Lili could see was an older, feminine version of Antonio’s. “His scars are fading, too. He’s been letting me and his siblings closer, and it’s been...indescribable. I always felt my baby had survived, had grown strong and special, but Antonio surpasses my every fantasy.”

As he surpassed Lili’s. So much so it was why she’d always felt she couldn’t possibly deserve his love.

Sofia went on. “He told me you asked him to give me a chance. So I owe you the happiness of having my son back.” Her smile faded as she continued. “But he abhors many members of the family for being of the same school of thought that led my parents to deprive me of him, and toss him into the nightmarish fate he still won’t tell me about. These people owe you their lives, since you’re the one who stayed his hand.”

She’d had that much influence on him? Or had he just considered none worth the trouble of revenge?

Whatever the reason, she took joy in knowing that he was letting go of his bitterness and rage, letting his family heal him, accepting the love he deserved. If her role in his life had been to get him to this point, it was enough for her. She wanted him happy, even if she’d never be again.

Sofia reached for one of her hands. “But I’m really here to express how sorry I am for everything that happened since I insisted you visit me when my house was such a mess. Antonio explained why overhearing us upset you so much, but he said nothing further. I feel so guilty.”

Lili put her other hand on top of hers. “Listen, Sofia, the renovation was barricaded, and I stupidly barged inside it. I was an idiot to overreact and run away in the first place. You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

Tears glittered in the woman’s eyes. “Even so, I felt terrible, and so helpless watching everything come apart. Your wedding...”

Unable to hear another word about their aborted wedding, she interrupted Sofia. “That’s another thing that was all my doing. But I’m only happy that I brought you and Antonio back together.”

“If only I could do the same.” Sofia hugged her. “I would have loved to have you as a daughter-in-law.”

Stunned by the woman’s display of affection, distressed that her words meant Sofia thought a reunion with Antonio wasn’t in the cards, she numbly hugged her back. “I would have loved to have you as a mother-in-law, too.”

From then on and until Sofia left, they diverted the conversation to less stressful areas. When she took her leave Sofia made Lili promise to keep in touch.

As she closed the door behind her, Lili felt a new friend had entered her life. But what would that matter if she’d couldn’t bear having her in it, if she only reminded her she’d lost Antonio?

Would her very life matter if she had?

And she could no longer bear not knowing.

She had to let him tell her. If there was still a chance, or if she should just surrender to despair.

* * *

The decision to approach Antonio was easier made than executed. All morning, fear held her back. Uncertainty, which she’d always been unable to handle, was now what kept her going. Because part of uncertainty was hope. If she killed the hope that she had a chance with Antonio, her life wouldn’t be worth living.

But she not only couldn’t go on not knowing for sure either way, but something terrible roiled inside her, prodding her to seek him out today. Right now. It wasn’t the usual longing that gnawed at her. It was something ferocious that demanded action.

Just as she was about to leave the house to go to his medical center where she knew he was every day, her cell phone vibrated.

It was a number she didn’t know.
