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‘No. Because you also did so many caring things: you helped me grieve my baby, you convinced me that Howard was wrong about my talent, you showed me how to stand up to his voice in my head, you helped me move forward when I never thought I could. When we left London for Turin I panicked because I thought I couldn’t leave my home, my grief—it felt like a betrayal of my baby. With you I learnt to laugh again, to dance, to work. To grow. You made me believe in myself, made me want to pursue my own dreams’

His arms tightened around her. ‘I want to have children with you, when you’re ready. I know it will take time. And we will never forget your first baby. I will cherish his memory with you. As I will always cherish you.’

Her heart seemed to wrench with happiness. ‘And our children will be the luckiest in the world to have a dad like you. I know you will always be there for them, for every milestone.’

‘We will be there for them and I think we will be the happiest family in the world. I love you, Emily.’

‘I love you too, Luca.’ She knew she would never get tired of saying the words of love.

‘I think now is the perfect moment for that cocktail I promised you.’ Taking her hand, he pulled her round to the opposite side of the bar. ‘These are the ingredients. Tequila for strength, pineapple juice for sweetness, rum to add a little spice, and chilli for a bit of heat and some shavings of chocolate for extra sweetness.’

She watched as he expertly set to work, absorbed every deft movement as he mixed and shook the ingredients, allowed her gaze to linger on every inch of his glorious body, full of joy that this beautiful, generous, caring man was hers for life.

Now he smiled at her, the smile so full of love that she could feel it envelop her as he handed her the glass, expertly garnished and complete with an umbrella.

‘Hold on. I need to get the aperitivo.’ He returned a few minutes later. ‘I thought we could have dessert first.’

His voice had a small catch in it and Emily glanced across at him, saw a sparkle in his eye, but also a hint of nerves as he placed down a plate with a variety of truffles, in individual paper cases, beautifully arranged in a pyramid.

He picked up his cocktail and they clinked glasses. ‘To us,’ he said.

‘To us.’ She looked at the drink. ‘It’s beautiful.’

‘Yes. As is the woman who inspired it. Would you like to know what it is called?’ His voice had dipped to a husky rumble that slid over her skin, made her giddy as it seemed so full of promise.

‘What is it called?’

‘Emily’s proposal,’ he said, and her heart beat a little faster as he nodded to the plate. ‘Take the top chocolate.’

She did so, felt the weight of it and now her pulse rate notched up as she picked up the chocolate and gasped. Nestled in the paper case was a ring.

Luca reached out and took it, went down on one knee.

‘Emily Khatri, I love you with all my heart. I swear to cherish and look after you, stand by your side through thick and thin, for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?’

Tears of happiness prickled her eyelids as she nodded. ‘I will marry you, Luca. And I vow to always be there for you. For ever.’

He slipped the ring onto her finger and she gazed down at it. ‘It’s beautiful.’ The glitter of white diamonds alternated with some brown gemstones she didn’t recognise.

His grin widened. ‘They are called chocolate diamonds,’ he explained, and she gave a small gurgle of laughter.

‘Of course, they are—and they are perfect.’ Just as she knew their life together would be.

* * *

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