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Chicago was a big city, with people who might be her friends, eventually. But right now she was alone and the one person she knew was hiding from her.

Plus, she had things she needed to discuss with him. Such as whether or not she was officially on his health insurance yet and could go to the doctor. And did he want to go with her? She didn’t expect him to be an equal partner in her pregnancy—they were married, but they weren’t intimate—she just wanted…

Hell, she didn’t even know what she wanted.

She wanted to be able to stay awake past nine at night and catch him when he came home so she could eat dinner with him, rather than leaving his food on the stove. Maybe have a conversation with an animal that wasn’t a bird. Play a game other than solitaire. Measure Karl’s head for the hat she was making him as a gift rather than just guessing his size.

Vivian put Xìnyùn back in his cage, packed up her purse and headed out the door with a list of potential employers to visit. Her solution to her current situation was to get a job. A job would give her money. Money would give her the freedom to get her own apartment. There was always the possibility she’d make friends with someone she worked with.

Besides, being unemployed was not something she could handle for long, if only because getting up in the morning and going to a job had been a part of her daily routine for so long. She’d been working since it was legal for her to do so. It had been the only way to make sure she had money to save for college and find a life that didn’t involve moving in the middle of the night.

Fat lot of good it had done her. Her father had taken her life savings and disappeared into the darkness, leaving her to do much the same.

She shook her father out of her head. He had no place in Chicago. He wouldn’t think to find her here and if he couldn’t find her, he couldn’t ask her for more money. All the money she got from a job would go to providing for her and Jelly Bean. And she’d start to get some of her self-worth back. With a job would come the knowledge that she wasn’t a leech on Karl’s silent kindness. And maybe the hope that she could pay him back, somehow.

* * *

WHEN KARL WALKED through the doorway to his apartment at eleven o’clock on Friday night to find Vivian had pulled a dining chair into the entryway and was reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting, he knew it had been too much to hope that he could dodge her for eight months.

“Good evening, Karl.” She rested the book on her lap and looked up at him. “Have you been avoiding me?”

It sounded cowardly when she put it like that. He stared at the curve of her lips above her pointed chin—soft over sharp—and he had to stop himself from running his thumb over the bow. He didn’t have to be drunk to be susceptible to the arcs of her face, but he needed to remember that she was only temporary. The baby was permanent, but Vivian fleeting.

“I work a lot.” It came out like a defense.

“Well, you’re home now, and I’m still up, so we can talk.”

He beat her to picking up her chair to carry it back to the dining table. As he passed the bar area of the kitchen, someone whistled at him. The bird was climbing around on a miniature jungle gym. Xìnyùn whistled again, a high-pitched, squeaky wolf whistle. The bird was on his kitchen counter. And whistling at him. He stopped to look at the bird, who hopped in response.

Vivian made kissy noises—at the bird, not at him. “Xìnyùn always did prefer men.”

Karl shook his head and continued carrying the chair to the dining room table. “Why is he out of his cage?” That wasn’t the question he wanted answered. “Why do you have a bird that prefers men?”

That still wasn’t the right question—the one that had been niggling at him. He wanted to know why she was here in Chicago. The growing fetus and health insurance didn’t seem enough of a reason for a stranger to be living in his apartment. But he didn’t ask those, because he was too caught up watching Vivian bend over and encourage the bird to hop onto her finger.

“Luck, be a lady tonight,” the bird squeaked. At least, that’s what Karl thought the bird said. It might have been a whistle.
