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Her head lifted to follow him when he pulled away from her mouth. Her moan was intermingled with frustration and hunger for completion.

“I wonder if it will work with the other ear.” He kissed a path along her jaw. Involuntarily, when he licked the edge of her other ear, she gripped his shoulder and cock again, and he chuckled with satisfaction.

This time, she got her revenge by tickling his balls with her fingernails. Satisfaction flooded her when he stilled in his ministrations and groaned. Loudly. But as with all revenges, this one left her unfulfilled. Karl was still not inside her. She pushed at his shoulder in frustration. In response, he rolled onto his back, pulling her with him so that their positions were reversed.

Before she could accustom herself to their new arrangement, he was using one hand to guide her hips to where his other hand held his cock, keeping her hovering just above him. When she shifted to—finally—have him inside her, he raised his eyebrow at her and shook his head. Then he moved his hand from her hip to her wet folds of skin. One finger slid in and then two.

Her arms shook with pleasure before she steadied herself.

“I like to be in charge,” he said with satisfaction.

“And I’m not going to let you.”

She said the words, but didn’t have the inclination to do more than reposition herself so that his fingers hit a spot to make her moan. His fingers lingered there as her body tensed around him. When he pulled his fingers out from her, her hips curled to follow them, bringing her close enough to graze against his erection.

“That’s what makes it so fun,” he said before lifting his hips and filling her.

She whimpered with pleasure as her body wrapped around him. Neither of them moved for several heartbeats as they enjoyed the feeling of connection. Then Karl began to lift his hips and Vivian lowered hers until they found a rhythm. His hands found her breasts again, fondling and kissing as they moved together. She clutched his shoulders, bracing herself above him and leveraging herself down so that she felt the entire length of him as he slid in and out of her. The tip of his cock would nearly withdraw and then push back into her. She clenched around him. Their cries and grunts mingled together, echoing off the walls. Their smells blended, filling the room.

She leaned over to lick his neck and then, irrevocably joined together, she found his mouth. They kissed and came in unison.


WITH VIVIAN TUCKED against him, her butt cradled by his curled legs and his fingers absently stroking her breasts, Karl realized what he had forgotten to do. With some regret, he dragged his hand away from her breasts and lifted her hair off her neck.

“There you are.” He drew his chest away from its comfortable resting spot against Vivian’s back and allowed his fingers to bump along the nubs of her neck bones. Spent and satiated, he still felt the anticipation of her presence in his life.

He rolled her onto her stomach and she responded with a drowsy, “Hmm?”

“The bones along the line of your spine.” He leaned in to kiss one. “Since I woke you that morning to inform you of our marriage—” he was willing to broach the subject again because she couldn’t go back in time and undo the night they had just spent together “—I’ve dreamed of putting my lips to each bone of your spine and kissing my way to the small of your back.”

“Better enjoy it while you can.” She sounded both smiling and sleepy. “In a couple of months I won’t be able to sleep on my stomach and then you’ll have to wait until after the baby is born.”

He hoped she was too tired to feel his lips still against the last and largest of her cervical vertebrae. The baby was still unbelievable to him. The woman lying against him was carrying his child—their child. She would give birth and he would have a little stranger to nurture into a responsible adult. Knowing this—having his mother and Greta lecture him on his responsibilities regarding the child—was not the same thing as lying in his bed with his wife in his arms, able to reach around and feel the slightly thickening waist that covered their child.

Not the same thing at all.

He still didn’t know what to do with himself or with the woman in his arms. Providing money for a child’s care was one thing. Being a husband and a father was another. Could they build a family out of a one-night stand? Not a family in the sense of being related to each other—there was no escaping the connections his mother would draw on the family tree in his great-grandmother’s Bible. Could they be a family together in its most elemental sense? When Vivian was pissing him off beyond all sense of imagination, could he still look at her and be thankful she was in his life? Could a random night in Vegas lead to a relationship he could rely on to be supportive, no matter what else was happening in the world?
