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Warmth and sweat from dancing made her jasmine scent more potent. If he could figure out how to swing her over his shoulder and carry her, caveman style, to a closet, he would. He would then have to figure out how to make love to a short, pregnant woman in a janitor’s closet, the physics of which he wasn’t certain of, but was willing to try.

“Come on.” He slid his hand around her waist and pulled her in close, letting everything about her wash over him.

“Where are we going?”

Somewhere I can act like the crazed, lusty man you’ve turned me into. But he didn’t say that. She’d rocked his equilibrium, and he’d gotten her pregnant. “We’re going to sit down so you can catch your breath and I can get you a fancy virgin something to drink.”

“Oh, I love virgins,” she cooed. “Mr. Biadala was right when he said you were a keeper.”

“A keeper?” The thought of his American history teacher and the father of his best friend from high school telling his wife to keep him made him smile. Being with Vivian made him smile, period.

The deep carpet stopped the sharp clicking noise her short heels had made on the dance floor as she walked with him to their seats. “He also said he didn’t know why I was still living with your mom, but one of us would come to our senses soon and, even if you were being a ‘stubborn fool,’ that I should forgive you.”

He’d like to believe he was the one who should have to forgive Vivian, not the other way around. But Mr. Biadala had always known the right answer when Karl was in high school, and he probably knew the right answer now.

“Here.” He sat Vivian down in his chair and she sighed as soon as her butt hit the seat. “Catch your breath and I’ll be back with a Shirley Temple.”

“Double cherry,” she called after him.

Karl was glad he’d brought himself a glass of water because she finished her drink in three gulps, then reached for his water. “Do you need more?” he asked when she put down his glass, now empty.

“No, but I wish I had some antacid in my purse.” She put her hand to her heart. “I’m not sure drinking all that liquid so quickly on top of all that dancing was a good idea.”

He placed his hands on hers, grateful to be close to her when not also surrounded by his family. “There’s a drugstore not far. I can go get you some.”

“Ah, that’s sweet.” She picked up his hands and kissed his knuckles. More tender, affectionate kisses. Not the crazed sex in the closet he was fantasizing about.

He didn’t want to be sweet. He wanted her to come home with him. He wanted to strip off her clothes and make love to her until she didn’t think about her heartburn anymore.

“But I think I hear the Electric Slide starting and I want to dance some more. Come on.” She slipped out of the chair, yanking on his hands. A lock of her hair was plastered across her sweaty cheek and he wasn’t able to get out of her grip long enough to brush it aside and escape for the hills.

Topping the list of things he didn’t want to do was the Electric Slide. He set his feet. “You just said all that dancing gave you heartburn. I have Tums at my house.”

His words halted her pulling. She cocked her head up at him, one brow raised, that lock of hair giving her two wicked smiles across her face. “I have Tums at your mom’s house and I like the Electric Slide.”

“But I’m not at my mom’s house.” Come home with me, Vivian. I want you. Was she going to make him say the words?

God, even the sight of her biting her lip made him crazy, which just proved how badly he needed her and how far off his center she made him.

Then she smiled, and the corners of her eyes crinkled, and he knew he’d both won and lost.

“After you do the Electric Slide with me.”

He’d won more than he’d lost, though she’d nearly made it a draw. But just because he didn’t resist as she tugged him to the dance floor didn’t mean he couldn’t protest. “I don’t know how to do the Electric Slide.”

“Everyone knows how to do the Electric Slide.”

“I can’t dance.” She had a smaller stride than he did and he could have easily caught up with her. But she was enjoying cajoling him and he was enjoying being cajoled.
