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Evangeline’s lips tightened. She couldn’t even go to the market to get the few things necessary to cook a meal? Was she a prisoner after all, no matter what Drake assured her of? She knew one thing. She wasn’t staying cooped up in his apartment all day while Zander played errand boy. It was a beautiful day and the forecast had been for cooler, more fall-like temperatures today and the rest of the week. She had no intention of not getting out and staying shut in every day.

Since she didn’t know what time Zander would arrive—and what was up with Zander being her babysitter du jour anyway? Hadn’t he been in the doghouse last night? Or was she to be tossed between Drake’s men one by one until she reached the last of the pack and started over from the beginning?

She shrugged. Oh well, she didn’t know what time he was due to arrive, and there was a market within easy walking distance. If he wasn’t here by the time she’d showered and dressed, she’d run down to the market herself and get the necessary items for dinner.

While she showered, she mentally went over the possibilities, wanting something more elegant than she typically served her girlfriends, when making every dollar stretch as far as possible was also a necessity.

Then she remembered the steak—Wagyu steak?—that Justice had taken her to eat and how expensive it had been. The question was, what kind of market would even sell such expensive meat, or could one even get it outside the fine restaurants that served it?

She had a recipe for a simple, delicate butter sauce because meat that tasted that good needed nothing heavy to mask the natural flavor, and well, butter made everything better, or so her mother always said. Green beans would be a perfect complement, as would a mouthwatering gourmet homemade mac and cheese recipe she had, and she could add lobster to jazz it up. Which only left potatoes because steak without potatoes was an unpardonable sin in her book.

Scalloped potatoes or simply baked potatoes with Drake’s choice of toppings?

She had completed her menu by the time she dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and lace-up tennis shoes. She chose an oversized sweater with a comfortable neckline that layered over her breasts, only giving a hint of her cleavage, which was displayed much better thanks to the new bras she’d purchased.

She eyed the ever-growing selection of jewelry Drake had given her but opted not to wear anything but the angel necklace. It was simple and not too ostentatious. It suited her when the other stuff was just not her.

After applying light makeup and brushing out her long hair, she chose to leave it down so it would dry faster. Then she went into the living room to find her purse so she could be on her way.

She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn’t notice Zander until he cleared his throat and she jumped, emitting a startled yelp. She backed warily away, cursing Drake’s men’s propensity for appearing out of nowhere. Did Drake give them free run of his apartment? Or did they just not believe in knocking, for God’s sake?

“Sorry for frightening you once again,” Zander said. “Drake told me you would know I would be here.”

“He said you were coming by, not that you would be here when I got up,” Evangeline muttered. “Apparently the idea of knocking or buzzing up to let someone know you’re here is something that escapes all of you.”

Zander grinned. “I’ll get out of your hair as soon as you give me the list of stuff you need from the market.”

Evangeline frowned. “Actually, I’m going shopping. What you do with your afternoon is up to you.”

Zander’s smile faded, and he looked uneasily at her. “Uh, that wasn’t my understanding.”

“It is now,” she said firmly. “I’m going shopping. Whether you come is entirely up to you.”

Then she turned to walk toward the open elevator doors.

“Shit. Drake’s not going to like this,” Zander muttered behind her.

She punched the close door button and watched in amusement as Zander’s expression turned murderous just as the doors shut in his face, preventing him from getting on with her.

She rode down and walked by the surprised doorman before he could open the door for her, and she stepped into the brisk air and blinked against the sudden wash of sunshine. She’d been right. It was truly a spectacular day. She inhaled deeply, feeling as though she were seeing the outside world for the first time since she’d entered Drake’s world.

Not taking too much time to savor the feel of freedom, she started down the street toward the market that was just a few blocks away, her list memorized. Zander caught up to her at the corner as she was waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green.
