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It’s a long night, but it’s worth it to finally see Harvey and Andrew arrested.

We had to go to the police station and give our statements about what happened, then head to the hospital to get some stitches. No one gave me trouble about my name, my identity, nothing. It was weird.

I find my phone before we go to the police station, and the video I took had been automatically saved to Charlotte’s S-Live Time profile. It had already reached thousands of views, and by the time the police made me take it down and give them a copy for evidence, it was at half a million views. Even though I took it down, I know copies are going to be passed around, just like the video of me and Kaitlyn, but this video is way bigger, way more important, and has a much bigger impact and scandal attached. I bet it’ll make national news by breakfast.

I’m not supervisible in the video—I made sure to double-check when I rewatched the video in the police station. You don’t really see me at all. You see a brief shot of me on Harvey’s back from when I dropped my phone on the floor, but then it cuts out, and my face isn’t visible. It’s not ideal, but I could be anyone. Plus, it is on Charlotte’s profile, so for all anyone would know, it’s Charlotte in the video.

Since Brian is technically still Jason and Jackson’s legal guardian, we call him on our way to the police station. None of us are in trouble, though, so it’s really only a formality that he be there while Jason and Jackson are questioned. He comes right away, asking the police the proper questions and snapping into responsible dad mode. Even though the sight of him makes me nauseated, having an actual adult around makes me feel a bit better, a bit more in control. It pains me to admit it, but watching Brian run around making sure we’re okay and demanding answers from the police makes me see why Mason loves his dad, and I realize he’s not the worst person around, even if he is having an affair. It reminds me of when we were sitting in this very police station a few weeks ago when Aiden was arrested, and it was Brian who made sure everything was okay, who got Aiden a lawyer, who accepted custody of Aiden and his brothers, who made sure Aiden was okay. It makes me miss my mom even though things between us are a bit strained right now, but when I call her, I go straight to voice mail. Her phone is off, so she must have just gotten on her usual flight. I send her a text to let her know I’m all right, knowing she’ll get it when she turns her phone back on.

When we’re allowed to leave, we tell Brian we’re okay to head home ourselves. He’s reluctant and offers to have us to stay with him, but I think the twins and Aiden want their own beds. I wear Aiden’s huge hoodie and keep my face shielded when we leave the police station, as there are media following us and taking pictures because of his dad, people yelling for Aiden to give a statement, to tell them what happened. He doesn’t stop for anyone, though, instead leading me and the twins to his car, where I keep my hoodie up even though his windows are tinted.

I keep feeling like I should call Agent Dylan, because this is the kind of thing he should know about, right? But then I remember how he put me here on purpose, how he wants me to draw Tony out, and I drop any thought of calling him.

We’re all okay, just bruised. Aiden got a couple of stitches under his jaw, but he keeps reassuring me that he’s okay. I can’t stop looking at him; the stitches make him look more dangerous and hot.

By the time we get back to Aiden’s house, it’s early in the morning. I move my car from down the block into his driveway, and we all head to bed. Crawling into Aiden’s bed with him is the most comforting and surreal feeling. I can’t help thinking I could get used to this, especially when he wraps his arm around me and I curl into his side.

We lie in his bed, facing each other, staring into each other’s eyes and letting all the unspoken words pass between us. The early morning light streams in through the sides of his drawn curtains, giving the dark room a faint glow. Maybe it’s the adrenaline. Maybe it’s because we’ve come so close to death for the second time and could’ve lost it all. But I can’t stop staring at Aiden.

Aiden gently rests his hand on my face and strokes my cheek with his thumb, his eyes reflecting my thoughts.

“You are so fucking beautiful.”

That’s all it takes.

Before I can even process what I’m doing, I’m on top of Aiden, chest to chest, my legs straddling his waist and my hands tangled in his hair. I kiss him with all I’ve got, putting all my emotions into it, letting him feel my fear, my happiness, my desire, my love. He kisses me back just as fiercely and desperately, pulling me closer to him, like he’s scared I’ll disappear. I can’t get enough of him. My heart is going to explode from how much I love him, from how much I want him.

Aiden’s hands tighten on my waist and he flips us over so that he’s on top of me. He breaks our kiss, and I’m only disappointed for a second before his perfect lips find my neck, trailing down the side and finding that sensitive spot that he knows drives me crazy.

I can’t claw his clothes off of him fast enough.

My life isn’t perfect, and at this rate it may never be. But this moment here, with Aiden, is perfection.

Waking up beside Aiden is just as good as I remember it being from the beach house. After collecting our clothes from the floor, we spend the day with Jason and Jackson, playing games, baking cookies, and reassuring them that they’re safe and that they’ll never be hurt. We don’t talk about Andrew and Harvey, and we especially don’t talk about Luke or Greg. I think we all just need a wind down to escape the chaotic mess of yesterday. We’re all relieved Andrew and Harvey are finally out of our lives. For the time being we don’t have to worry about Andrew or Harvey—at least, not until the court case brings it all back up again. For now, we have a sense of peace. In a way, I’m glad this all happened, because now it doesn’t feel like something huge is looming over our heads, waiting for just the right time to crush us. At least it’s one less thing to worry about. We don’t have to hold our breath, waiting for the shoe to drop, and if Aiden’s happy, I’m happy.

It’s around two in the afternoon when we’re making pasta for a late lunch that my phone vibrates, and I find a text from my mom. I was wondering when she would get around to checking in on me.

Just landed in Dubai, can’t call. Brian sent me the video & texted me what happened. Are u ok? Y didn’t u tell me?

I send her a quick reply.

U were in the air. We’re ok. Talk when u get back

I miss the days when I would run to my mom when I scraped my knee and she’d kiss it better. But things are different now. We’re different. And I’ve learned to not depend on anyone. I catch Aiden’s eye from where he’s stirring the sauce, and he winks at me, melting my heart.

Well, I guess there are some exceptions to that.

I’ll always have Aiden.

Our friends come over to see us after school, and we’re greeted with lots of hugs, and Jason and Jackson even get some presents.

After talking through what happened and reassuring them that we’re okay, they finally get their heads wrapped around the fact that Aiden’s dad tried to kill his own sons. As Charlotte said, he truly doesn’t have a heart.

Annalisa’s sitting near me on the couch as the guys crowd around the television playing Zombie Alien Vampires Part Fifteen and Three Quarters or whatever video game it is that the twins are obsessed with.

Annalisa nudges me and gestures at the twins. “I guess they sorted everything out after last night?”

It’s hard to remember that it was just yesterday that the twins were arguing over video games and came clean to us about what really happened with Greg. Now that it’s at the forefront of my mind, and I’m staring Annalisa in the face and thinking about how she wants nothing more than to prove Luke is innocent, the blood drains from my face.

“Oh. Yeah. They made up.” Technically not a lie.

“We can hear you,” Jackson says, not looking away from the screen.

“Yeah, we hear everything,” Jason adds. “Just like the time at the beach house when Noah blamed Mason and Chase for eating all of Anna’s chips but it was really him.”

Annalisa sends an accusing glare at Noah. “There were, like, ten bags!”
