Page 10 of Montan a Wildfire

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And what about Edward Bannister? How would he react when she arrived at their destination without his son? He wouldn't pay her—that went without saying—but would he seek retribution? Of course! Roger was a monster, but monster or not he was still the man's son. Edward Bannister was paying her good money—damn good money—to see to Roger's safety. And what did she do? She lost the brat, that's what. Oh, God.

Her eyes snapped open, and she pulled Jake Chandler into focus. He looked uncomfortable, as though he was wondering how he'd managed to get himself into such a mess. Amanda's thoughts traveled the same depressing path. Only she knew how she'd gotten into it. Blind stupidity and more gall than she usually gave herself credit for having. That, and a craving to get to Washing

ton and finally put her life back in order.

"Did you see any tracks?" she asked hopefully. "Anything that would suggest who took Roger and why?"

"Didn't look."

"You didn't—? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Mr. Chandler, don't you dare!"

Jake dared. He kept on walking, his swaggering steps never faltering. "I'm going home," he said over his shoulder.

"Home?" she cried and thought, What is it with this man? First, when she'd wanted him to leave, he wouldn't. Now, when she needed his help, he wouldn't stay. Would the man please make up his mind? She tried again. "Please, Mr. Chandler, you can't leave now. We have a problem here."

"You do," he conceded gruffly, and continued to walk.

Gritting her teeth, and using the tree for leverage, Amanda pushed to her feet. The bark nipped at her palms, making her wince. Though she had to shift her weight to accommodate her wounded ankle, she hoped her stance looked stiff and commanding.

Sucking in a deep breath, she shouted in her best prim and proper voice, "You no-good, filthy rotten bastard! How dare you walk away from me at a time like this?"

As she'd planned, the words stopped him cold.

He turned to face her slowly. Sunlight snuck beneath the brim of his hat, and Amanda caught a glimpse of exactly how hard his expression could be. A drop of fear trickled down her spine. She pushed it aside, and somehow managed to return his wintry glare with a level one of her own.

"That's no way for a lady to talk, Miss Lennox," he drawled, his voice flat and hard. Only the muscle jerking in his cheek hinted at the quiet fury simmering inside of him.

For Roger's sake, as well as her own, Amanda refused to let his anger affect her. For once in her life she was going to be brave and stand up to someone—even if that someone was the rudest, most arrogant, most dangerous man she'd ever met.

Her chin tipped haughtily. "You'll have to excuse me," she said with exaggerated politeness. "Given the circumstances, I'm not feeling like much of a lady at the moment."

"Understandable, seeing how your kid's just been—"

"Roger is not my son. Good heavens, no!"

"Didn't think he was." Jake angled his head to the side, his steely gaze drilling into her.

"No? Then why did you...?" She shook her head and released an aggravated sigh. "It doesn't matter." Her gaze swept over the skirt that fell in damp, limp folds around her legs. "Mr. Chandler, please. It kills me to say it, but I need your help. For obvious reasons, I can't go after the boy alone."

"Why's that, princess? Your ankle's bruised, not broken. You can ride." Her inquisitively raised brows made him add, with a sly wink, "I checked you out while we were in the water."

A blush heated her cheeks. The memory of his fingers—thick and calloused and warm, caressing her naked thigh and calf-blasted through Amanda's mind. Oh, yes, he'd "checked her out" all right. Most thoroughly! "That isn't the point," she snapped, angry at her thoughts, angry at the man who'd made her think them—now of all times.

"Isn't it?"


A skeptical grin tugged one corner of Jake's lips, and her palm itched to slap it off. This wasn't funny, dammit! Roger was out there, somewhere, and God only knew what had happened to the poor child by now! Amanda brought herself up short. Poor child? Oh no, she was thinking nice things about the little monster again. That wasn't a good sign. It proved she was more distressed than she'd thought.

When Jake didn't say anything, instead just stood there grinning at her, she said, "Roger and I... well, to be perfectly blunt, we've been lost out here for a while now."

"Lost? Lady, you can't get lost out here."

"Maybe you couldn't, but I assure you, I can. I could get lost in my own backyard with little difficulty."

"Then you have no right being out here in the first place."

Amanda ignored that, and continued with what she'd planned to say next. She wouldn't let him distract her from her purpose. "What I'm trying to say is that even without my bruised ankle I would never be able to find Roger by myself."
