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Mrs Fielding looked like an older version of Kate and younger than the fifty or more years he knew she must be. He managed a grin back. ‘Guess I should’ve gone with the chocolates. I’ll know next time.’ If there was a next time. He set the flowers and bottle—who knew if her father was a recovering alcoholic?—on the well-scrubbed terrazzo porch. ‘In that case, the roses are for you, Kate.’

‘Thanks.’ A moment of awkward silence.

Damon extended his hand. ‘I’m Damon Gillespie—’

‘Mum, Dad, this is—’

Both spoke at the same time.

‘Paul and Maria,’ Kate’s mother said. ‘Welcome, Damon, come on in, dinner’s nearly ready. And Rosa sends her apologies, she won’t be home till late.’

The women disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Damon with the stern-looking Paul Fielding and the aroma of tomatoes and basil wafting through the doorway. When they were seated on an uncomfortable couch in the tiny lounge room with its seventies décor, Paul said, ‘So you and Katerina had a successful trip, she tells me.’

‘Yes. I think we achieved a good outcome. Have you been to Bali yourself?’

‘No. Never could stand long-distance flying.’

‘It can be stressful,’ Damon agreed. ‘You’ve just returned from Coffs Harbour?’

‘Family reunion  . Shame Katerina couldn’t make it. Family’s important.’

‘Yes.’ He could feel the man sizing him up. As if he blamed Damon for Kate’s lack of attendance. Paul Fielding might be a good head shorter in stature, but he more than made up for it in presence. Damon ran a finger around the inside of his collar.

‘You got family, Damon?’

For a sentimental instant he wished he could count his parents as family. ‘Only Bryce.’

He nodded. ‘Katerina told us the news. Sorry to hear it. So you’re going back to…where is it you live?’

‘Phoenix, Arizona. Yes, I’ll return at some point—I have business there.’

‘A long way to go.’ Startling blue eyes drilled into Damon’s. ‘I don’t want my girl hurt.’

Damon felt his hackles rise. This from the man who wiped the smile from Kate’s face with his phone calls, who subdued her exuberance with aggression. ‘I have no intention of hurting Kate.’

‘You do and you’ll have me to deal with.’

The man might be overbearing, but it was plain he loved his daughter and wanted to protect her from the hurts in the world. But sometimes that wasn’t possible. Everyone had to face their own demons at some point. ‘I understand. But with respect, Kate’s an adult, she has her own life to live.’ For Pete’s sake. And perhaps Damon should shut the hell up.

Paul snorted. ‘She’s soft as butter. If she can’t stand up to me who will she stand up to?’

‘She can hold her own in the workplace.’

‘Well, good for her.’ His body seemed to deflate as he let out a slow breath. ‘I just want what’s best for Katerina. Rosa’s marrying a Frenchman; who knows how long it’ll be before they decide to go back to France?’ A shadow flitted across the man’s expression. ‘Katerina’s all we have left now.’

Yes. He’d lost his only son. ‘She’ll be here for a long time to come, Paul. Her family’s the most important thing to her.’

Paul looked at him a moment without speaking, then nodded and seemed to make an effort to lighten up. ‘You a rugby, soccer or Aussie Rules man?’ he asked, switching on the TV and flicking to a cable channel where a soccer game was in progress.

‘I try to follow them all. Hard to get Aussie Rules in the States, though.’

They watched a few moments in almost amiable silence, caught up in the excitement of the match. The man had a hard shell, Damon decided, but inside he was as soft as Kate.

Kate had only mentioned her fiancé once, but he’d hurt that soft, vulnerable part of her. Badly. He felt a dull ache settle somewhere near his heart. You’ll hurt her too when it’s time to leave Australia. Just as her father predicted.

At ten o’clock Kate waved goodbye to her parents, breathing a sigh of relief as Damon backed sedately out of the driveway. Her mum obviously loved Damon, her dad…well, he’d take a little longer, but she sensed he respected him. As her boss of course. But as a lover?

Her thoughts came to a screeching halt as Damon pulled into the kerb less than a couple of houses down the road. Beneath the wash of the cool blue street light the glint in his eyes was positively fierce, dangerously intent. It cast the angles of jaw and cheekbones in sharp relief, but she didn’t have time to question because a hand reached behind her neck, pulling her close, holding her head prisoner as he mashed his lips to hers.
