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Happiness blossomed inside her, but still she couldn’t let herself believe. She had to say it all, bare it all.

Because she wanted it all.

‘I wanted a career as well as marriage. I still want that.’

She let out a long silent breath. She’d said it. Blown any chance she’d had with him. An ongoing affair was one thing, marriage was something else—

‘You can have both. The agency needs a manager. And I need you.’ He grasped both hands in his. ‘I want you and me and kids. Marry me, Kate.’

‘Marry you.’ Kate felt as if she were the one standing on the edge of that tower. She were the one afraid to jump. ‘I work here, you live overseas.’

‘I have an Internet business; I can base myself anywhere I choose. All I need is a computer. And you.’ Damon reached out to stroke a fine strand of hair lying on her cheek, searching for an answer in her eyes. ‘What do you say? You want to take that risk with me?’


Damon clenched his jaw. Hell. Her trembled response wasn’t the one he’d hoped for. Once he made up his mind something was going to happen, he stopped at nothing until it did and this was no exception. Especially this—it was the single most important thing that he was ever going to make happen in his life. ‘Maybe this’ll show you I’m serious,’ he said, and dug into the paper bag.

She took it from him, then frowned. ‘An onion?’

He loved it when her brow puckered like that; it made him want to stroke the little crease with a finger. So he indulged himself in that simple pleasure while he searched her eyes. ‘A daffodil bulb.’

He loved every detail of her face from the soul-searching eyes and the little mole beneath, to the perfect mouth that plumped and softened as he said, ‘I want to put down roots with you. When it flowers in spring I want us to be married. Six months, Kate, to decide.’

She caressed the bulb’s papery texture, then looked up at him, eyes shining and alive. No shadows. ‘I don’t need six months to decide.’ She leaned forward and touched her lips to his.

The sweetest kiss he’d ever known. Filled with promise and sunshine and ever afters he’d thought he’d never needed.

Finally she drew back, her eyes dancing. ‘Though I might need six months to plan a wedding. A Big Fat Italian Wedding.’

‘Whatever you want, Katerina.’ He couldn’t resist kissing those smiling lips again. ‘Which reminds me, I guess I’ll have to do the right thing and face your father.’

‘He’ll be thrilled. And Mum. And Rosa.’

‘Ah, Rosa came by the agency today.’

Kate’s lips twitched. ‘I told her not to, but she never listens to her big sister.’

He smiled at that. ‘She’s a force to be reckoned with. I’d like her on my side in an argument.’

‘Why don’t we go see them now?’

‘Now? Won’t tomorrow night be soon enough?’

‘You live in the Now, don’t you?’

‘Not just the Now any more…although Right Now’s feeling pretty darn good.’ He slid his arms around her, coaxing her off her chair and onto his lap, right up close to his heart. ‘We have a future to plan…’ he kissed her cheek, her eyes, and finally her lips ‘…starting with what we might do for the next hour.’

‘Mmm.’ She rubbed her lips against his and smiled up into his eyes. ‘Or two.’ She caressed his gift again. ‘Tomorrow I’m going to plant this bulb. In a bright blue pot where we can watch it grow. And when it blooms I’m going to carry it down the aisle. To you.’

He rose, sweeping her up with him, and turned towards the bedroom. ‘Better get started, then. The future’s waiting.’ And it had never looked so bright.
