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Bree smiled. “Look at these wide plank floors, Luke.”

I glanced down at the very old, much-in-need-of-restoration, wide plank floors. “This house needs a lot of work, Bree.”

She nodded. “I know!”

I couldn’t help but laugh as we followed the real estate agent through the house. The previous owners had added on to the back of it, and there was a large screened-in porch and, behind it, a barn that looked like it was ready to fall down.

I stared at the barn for the longest time.

“What’s wrong?” Bree asked.

“That barn could be turned into an office.”

Bree studied it. “I guess it could.”

Turning to face her, I asked, “Do you like the house?”

She looked around and smiled. “It would be a lot of work.”

I nodded in agreement.

“But I do love it. That old fireplace in the kitchen is amazing. And did you see the wood beams on the ceilings?”

Laughing, I pulled her to me. “Are you up for an adventure, Mrs. Morrison?”

“A remodeling adventure?”

“That…and I’ve been thinking.”

She raised a brow. “About?”

“Mr. Watkins approached me yesterday morning in The Coffee Pot when I was eating breakfast with Aiden. He found out I was doing law work for Aiden’s nonprofit. He wants to retire…and asked if I’d be interested in taking over his practice.”

Bree’s eyes went wide.

“I told him I’d talk to my wife about it. I know you’ve been helping your folks at the bed and breakfast, but I was thinking…this might be something I’d like to do.”

“You want to practice law full time again?”

“I think so. Would you be willing to work with me?”

A wide smile spread over her face. “You want me to work for you?”

Laughing, I said, “Not work for me. Partners.”

Her smile faded slightly before it was replaced with a smirk. “Morrison and Morrison law firm. I like the sound of it.”

I drew her body closer to mine and pressed my lips to hers before pulling back slightly and whispering, “So do I.”

She lightly ran her finger down my cheek. “A new house. A new law practice. And a new puppy. That’s a lot to take on all at once.”

I jerked my head back. “New puppy?”

She played innocent. “I mean, you can’t expect to buy a house and not get a dog, Luke. Besides, we’re going to need her for practice.”

Laughing, I asked, “Practice for what?”

The real estate agent stepped back out onto the screened-in porch. “So what do we think?”

“What do we think, husband?” Bree asked.

My heart about burst from pure happiness as I gazed down at my wife. “I think we should buy it, wife.”

She stepped out of my embrace and flashed a wide smile at the agent. “We love it and want to put an offer in.”

The young woman practically jumped ten feet in the air. “Oh my gosh! My first sale! This is so exciting. Let’s head back to the office, and we can draw up the offer and get it sent over!”

As Bree followed the agent back into the house, I asked, “Bree, what were you talking about? Practice for what?”

She glanced over her shoulder and gave me a smile that took my breath away. “Our Valentine’s Day gift.”

I frowned. “Our Valentine’s Day gift?”

She spun back toward me. The way her eyes sparkled and her cheeks glowed made me stop and take a good look at my beautiful wife. She raised one single brow, and I instantly knew. Somehow, I knew.

“Holy shit,” I whispered.

With a laugh, she replied, “Holy shit is right. We only have eight months to get this house ready.”

And with that, she headed into the house and left me on the porch while her announcement settled into my soul.

We were pregnant. Pregnant.

“Wait!” I called out as I ran back into the house, my heart flooding with joy. “I think we need to negotiate that puppy!”
