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I was actually starting to enjoy the ride when he left the road, zooming between trees. If he was following a path, I sure as hell couldn’t see it. I had to duck as limbs nearly hit me and we went airborne several times as he hit huge roots.

What the fuck was he doing? I’d glanced behind us several times and never saw any sign of pursuit.

Finally, we came out of the woods onto another dirt road similar to the one we had left. How had he known about this shortcut?

We kept going, flying down the road at an insane speed. If he hadn’t been the skilled rider he was, we would surely have wiped out on one of the turns.

I’d never been so thankful Louisiana was as flat as it was. If we’d been flying over hills and down steep inclines, I wasn’t sure we would have survived.

I knew Ambrose would scoff at my fear, but while I may have faced a lot of dangerous situations, those were risks I chose to take. They were planned and calculated for the most part, and I had contingencies. This ride was as wild and chaotic as Ambrose.

After what felt like at least half an hour of riding to God knows where, Ambrose pulled over onto the side of the road in a small dirt lot likely used by hunters.

He dismounted the bike with impressive agility. I did the same as I pulled off my helmet, but he shook his head. “Don’t move. I’ve got to take a piss.”

I watched as he stomped off into the trees, unable to keep my gaze from falling to his ass, which was perfectly cupped by his worn jeans. He was one beautiful man. His rough edges only made him more attractive to me.

I took the opportunity to relieve myself too since I had no idea when I’d have another chance. I pulled my phone from my pocket when I was done. I needed to check in with Janice, but I had no signal.

Ambrose was nearly back to the bike when I walked out of the woods. He grabbed my arm, squeezing hard enough to hurt. “I told you to stay put.”

“I’m just supposed to hold it when you’re not?”

“I would’ve showed you where to go when I got back. You can’t just wander off in bayou country. You don’t know what’s out there.”

“Snakes, bugs, and all kinds of nastiness I assume, but I only stepped a few feet in.”

“Don’t do that again,” he snarled.

“How did you find Ellen’s grandson?”

“When you have the right connections, you can find anybody. Fortunately, he’d realized what a big mistake he’d made getting involved with Carlotti’s operation.”

“Who is he with now?”

“A man I trust. Someone who works for Remington. Don’t worry. He’s safe.”

Ambrose might be completely crazy, but I did trust him to keep the boy safe. “Where are you taking me? I’m on duty today. I need to be back in St. Claireville.”

“We’re going to my house.”

He had to be kidding. “That’s got to be at least another—”

“Twenty-eight minutes from here by my calculations.”

Surely he was making that up, but I refused to comment. “I can’t do that, not today.” Even though I was dying to see where he lived.

“I’m not giving you a choice.”

“You’re kidnapping me?”

He shrugged. “Call it what you want.”

“What if I put up a fight. I could refuse to get back on your bike.”

Ambrose gave a put-upon sigh. “Then I’ll have to knock you out and tie your unconscious body to me.”

With almost anyone else, I would’ve thought they were kidding. With Ambrose, I knew he would do just that if it suited his purposes.

“Why do we need to go to your house?”

“Because that’s the best place for me to shake some fucking sense into you.”

“Take me back to St. Claireville now.”



Eric had been confused, then flustered, but now his eyes narrowed and there was a tick in his jaw. Did he really think he could overpower me? Maybe I should let him try.

“You’re going where I say. You’re mine now.”

“What the fuck, Ambrose?”

“If I can’t trust you on your own, then you’ll have to stay with me.”

His face was flushed with anger. “I’m the fucking sheriff of this parish.”

Ambrose shook his head. “We’re not in your parish anymore.”

“How do you know that?”

“I always know where I am. We’ll have to work on that with you.”

“Take me back.”

“No. They may be waiting for you. I won’t risk you like that.”

“Ambrose, I have a job to do. I can’t just disappear.”

I shrugged and enjoyed seeing his scowl deepen. “You can say you were taken.”

“No.” Eric lunged toward the motorcycle. The keys were in the ignition. He reached for them, but I grabbed him around the waist and shoved him away from the bike before he touched it.
