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Ambrose huffed. “There are a few men from my unit I would trust if they were here and…” He turned to face me. “And I trust Eric.”

Corbin gasped dramatically. Dax grinned, and Remington simply nodded. “Then we’ll trust him as well. But we’re going to need help because we need this to reach farther than our territory. We need to bring down the people Carlotti works with around the world. To do that we need people in several places, and there aren’t enough of us to spread out.”

I didn’t like the idea of using an informant Ambrose didn’t know, and who was this X? I knew better than to ask, but I hoped Ambrose would tell me later. How much do they know about him? How could they be certain they could trust him? I knew Carlotti’s influence wasn’t confined to the Houston area, but how far reaching was his power?

Ambrose blew out a long breath. “Fine, but I want reassurances Carlotti and his top men won’t walk away from this. He sent a man after Eric. No way in hell will I let him live after that.”

I shook my head. “I don’t need you risking yourself to get revenge for my sake.”

Ambrose turned to me. “No one harms you and gets away with it.”

“Does anyone have any questions now?” Dax gestured toward the screen.

“I have a lot of them,” I said.

“He means questions about whether Ambrose is in love with you,” Corbin said.

My pulse accelerated. The room seem to spin around me. In love with me? I knew he wanted to protect me. I knew he wanted to keep up whatever we had between us. But love? I’d fallen hard for him, but I wasn’t sure he could love anyone.

“Eric is mine,” Ambrose declared. “We’re here to establish a plan that will keep him safe. That’s what we should focus on.”

I could tell how happy Dax was to see his brother claim me outright instead of withdrawing and hiding. Even if what we had didn’t last, even if Ambrose’s conviction that I was his ended when Carlotti was dead, the heartbreak would be worth it knowing I’d helped him come out of hiding.

Remington gave more details for our plan. “Carlotti contacted me. He gave me an out to end the war that’s brewing between us.” Ambrose started to speak, but Remington held up his hand. “What he demands in exchange for not obliterating us is for us to give him Eric.”

“What?” I thought Ambrose might explode his face turned so red.

“Once all our pieces are in place, I’m going to set up a meeting with Carlotti, pretending to acquiesce to that demand.”

“Fuck no!” Ambrose banged his fist on the table, making the image of his brother and cousins waver.

“Eric will only be there as bait.”

Ambrose growled. “Eric will not be anywhere near that meeting.”

It was time for me to step in. “I want a part in this,” I said. “I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to end Carlotti’s reign. I want this man out of my parish and unable to hurt anyone else.”

Ambrose ignored me. “Lance, where was the safe house you arranged?”

Lance looked between the two of us, and Tony pointed to the screen and chattered.

“I think Tony wants to see Eric again.”

“Eric won’t need to be anywhere near Carlotti for this to work,” Remington said

“I want him on the other side of the world from that man.”

“No. I will be there.” We glared at each other, and Dax snickered.

Ambrose turned his anger on his brother. “If it was Travis, would you agree to this plan?”

Dax’s smile widened. “You admit it, then? You feel for Eric what I feel for Travis?”

“I care about Eric, and I’m not putting him in harm’s way. Quit acting like that’s okay.”

“Travis has no training to prepare him for this kind of mission. Eric is a sheriff with years of experience in law enforcement.”

“Maybe you should call Devil,” Lance suggested. “He can tell you what it’s like to love a cop.”

I shook my head. “Devil? X? This is getting to be too much.”

Remington smiled for the first time that night. “Devil is a distant cousin. His family is in the same line of work.”

“And he’s dating a cop?”

“A former cop. He’s a private investigator now, and they’re married.”


“Don’t worry,” Dax said. “It’s possible to make it work.”

I glanced at Ambrose, and I could tell he was near his breaking point. He was either going to run, or he was going to say something he would later regret. I moved closer to him and laid a hand on his back as I held Dax’s gaze. “Let’s focus on the plan. Ambrose and I will figure out our… personal connection on our own.”

“We’re here for you when you need us,” Lance said, surprising me with how soft his tone was.
